Dryblood's daily debate thread.
Well depends on how you look on it. I hate code from mw2 but they are still making huge money so... Conclusion:

-Lower and lower quality of games as they go.
-Still a huge ammount of sales.

If i could ruin Infinity Ward (Treyarch is doing much more) and give the game into another develepors hands i would do it.
"You do not know what you have, until it is gone."
As long as they will make the amount of money they currently do, CoD will never "die".

The fact whether it's good or not anymore, is up to the individual. But no way the franchise is dead yet.
Just because they are rehashing the content doesn't mean the franchise is dead, which most of you don't seem to understand. Why should they be original and make new content when they can just do the same shit in a different setting and every 12 year old kid is still gonna make their mom buy it for them? They are a corporation, they don't give a fuck about games, they care about money. And that's one thing they do know how to do well, is PROFIT. They wouldn't be making more if they didn't think they were going to continue profitting.

The franchise isn't dead, it's gonna be around for years to come. And until the average retarded gamer stops buying every single new call of duty that comes out, it's never going to end.

Now that,is a /thread
[Image: 244s2lh.jpg]
(05-26-2012, 02:27 PM)benjanmin112 Wrote: i wanna a program to make a photo so i can make my one photo to fearless thes i have on now have i take pls help me to find one and not PhotoScape
I own and played every Cod game, since the first one and I don't think its dieing, a lot of people buy it and will keep buying it. I personally liked MW3 and its different then MW2, if you played it, you know this.

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