Reported User(s): Dimitris

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127839448

Date & Time (GMT): 19/7/20 @ 21:41 GMT

Summary of the incident
I was getting the colour of my car done when Dimitris showed up and killed me for no good reason whatsoever. I didn't have a gun out or anything, saying he thought I had a gun out is no excuse as you can see him slowly walking in the corner of my screen where he clearly see that I have my toolgun out. I'd love to know the reason behind this. He could've easily put me under FearRP and tie me up instead of killing me, this was definetly not using violence at last resort.

[Image: TglJDob.png]

So let me start off by saying that I did have a valid reason to raid the nexus ( Which is what I was doing at the time ) and to kill you in the process, at the time I had been banned from the city by the president hence why I was raiding.

While raiding nexus violence is my last resort, hence why I opened fire I knew that if I let you off you would most likely come back for me, I was in a similar situation a few days ago with someone else and we did go through a sit, even Falc agreed with me that I am fine to use violence as my first resort in that specific situation and Midget who was the one dealing with the sit went along with it.
Hello there.
Sure, it might be a valid reason to raid the nexus but this isn't taking place in the nexus or nowhere near it, is it? As you can see, I'm not doing anything at all related to your nexus raid? I still don't see how I could fall victim for this especially when I'm just standing there minding my own business? Like I stated in the PR, you could've easily tied me up instead of killing me.
[Image: TglJDob.png]
Hey man, firstly let me mention that you are fairly close to nexus and I literally happened to walk past you. The reason I did not tie you up is because in this specific situation violence is my last resort, as I am going in solely to kill the president and anyone that stands in my way.
Hello again.
I still don't see how this was using violence at last resort or why you executed the raid like the way you did by running through the entire city with guns out, it doesn't make much sense to me. Let's leave this to the admins to figure this out so this won't turn into a million pages, you can post a final reply if you want but I probably won't reply to it unless I think it's really needed.

You mentioned you had a similair sit but didn't that take place at the actuall nexus? Because then it's different as I would've been inside the building you plan on raiding. Now I happened to be at the gas station and didn't even notice you, you could've easily tied me up and leave. There would be no way for me to go after you as I would've lost my weapons if someone untied me.
[Image: TglJDob.png]
Firstly let's get some things straight, I did not run through the entire city, I armed up a few meters away from where I killed you and I was waiting for the right time to push towards nexus and as I mentioned when you go in solely to murder someone violence is your last resort.
Thanks for posting a PR,

We have looked at the evidence and reviewed both sides of the story,
In this case we have decided this was RDM, the cop was obviously unarmed and posing no threat whatsoever.
You should've tied him up as you had him at gunpoint - violence should always be the last option and raiding the president is no excuse to blatantly kill unarmed police.

Since you had a similar situation with me and Falc earlier, while this one was different; I understand you might've been a little confused and we will rather settle on a blacklist instead of a ban.


Best regards,
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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