Steam Name: Deadeye

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75722998

BanID: 95180

Ban Reason

Staff Member: RedPanda

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
Big shocker RedPanda the most corrupt staff approved my ban. He first asked for more footage because they chopped it down and not show the full situation, so it would seem the evidence they provided wasn't enough for him. They couldn't provide anything so he said he would check logs... He didn't do anything for hours then random banned me for 24 hours. If he did check the logs he would see that I was telling the truth and I was beating by the police but he wouldn't bother as proven before by his many admin reports that he has a bias look at things when doing pr. I also posted a pr about someone with a lot of evidence and many other people posted on there as well. Big shocker that was the only Pr not answered. If he did bother to deal with the other pr he would see the cops were just abusing us for no reason and it was a rubbish pr because I posted one on them.
#2 - Approved pr - Ignored Pr

More evidence = more complex situation to deal with.

I discussed the PR on you with other team members whom agreed you were in the wrong (despite the 2 beatings). Your ban still stands and will not be revoked.
Kind Regards,
Fearless Veteran

Did I help you today? +Rep
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