Kian lf ed8
(12-24-2018, 06:32 PM)PinappleKiller2001 Wrote: I have been asked to post a statement about this rule break. 

As Weezy has previously mentioned I was not on ‘Kian if ed8’ side I was working alongside Weezy. When Weezy came up behind ‘Kian if ed8’ he was facing and talking to me so when he had a gun pointed at his back he ran, jumped, turned around and then proceeded Gun down weezy breaking FearRP. 

Before this happened ‘Kian if ed8’ conducted a police stop on me and after I stopped I asked what was the reason for the stop which after saying this he opened fire upon my vehicle even though my engine was turned off and not a danger to the public. He has shown multiple cases of abuse of power as a police officer and breakages of FearRP.

if there's multiple cases then post a PR l000l
As has been stated several times already, this recording doesn't contain enough evidence to backup the claims made. And as we know, context is everything in a PR.
Due to insufficient evidence, I will be denying this PR.

Thank you for your report.
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]

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