Eggsy [UBR]
(02-11-2016, 05:27 PM)SnowredWolf Wrote: Hello Eggsy,

If you've gathered further instructions from the cheat you used on our services, could you please send me a private message with the instructions. As soon as I get the information required I will review this case.

[FL] SnowredWolf
Server Administrator

I cannot acquire the instructions currently, as the member i got them of is not replying to my request, i have been persisting to ask though.
Update, I am currently trying my best to acquire the instructions needed, but no success so far, I'm not too sure how important this is to the UBR because It was in the end my fault for not checking if the cheats were enabled, before i joined the server and also, if i were to have disabled all of the hacks, like i intended to, then i wouldn't have to be writing this right now. I hope that you can understand that it was a mistake, and that i never purposely intended to have the cheats enabled whilst being connected to FL. I am fully aware of the consequences that i would have to face if i did purposely hack, and i would never intend to do so on such an amazing server that i have had the pleasure of being apart of for so many years. So i hope that the staff can understand this. If you wish to ask my any questions on what I do know about the incident then please PM me so I can prove my innocence.
Hello Eggsy,

This update is to let you know your case has not been ignored it is still in internal discussion. We thank you for the patience.

Fearless Administrator
Thank you Hitman. I am still trying, I have attempted to recover the delete cheat files using recovery software, but it has been unsuccessful, the member that I got it of is incapable of re producing the files, for reasons he has not told me. I hope you can understand that what I did was not intended.
Hello Eggsy,

This is once again an update to let you know of the current state, we are currently discussing the outcome of this unban request, you can expect a final verdict within 7 days.

Server Administrator
It's fine, take as much time as you need to make the right decision. I also do not mind if the resultant ban approval will leave me on my last warning as I strongly believe that i never once intended to break and never will break any rules. Thank you for letting me know and I look forward from hearing the verdict! Smile
Hello Eggsy,

We, the Administrator team have choosen to Deny your unban request for the following reasons:
In the start of the unban request you stated that you injected a .dll file into the game, later on you state that you placed the file in the garrysmod main folder. There would still need to be some kind of call for the file in order to activate the hacks. Later in the unban request you stated that you followed instructions from the readme file which was found in the files you downloaded, when Hitman requested to see these files and/or a link to the actual hack you claimed that it was your friend who sent the files to you & gave you the instructions. We gave you plenty of time to prove that it was your friend who gave you the hacks, also you tried to gain the instructions from your friend which failed. 

Going from the injection part, you would have to inject the hack into the running process of garrysmod every time you want to use the hack. As soon as you close the garrysmod process the hack will be disabled from the game once again.

In addition to the points above, it is only one day ago you got a VAC ban on your steam account. With this VAC ban in place it leads us to believe that you are known for hacking in other games and perhaps other garrysmod servers. 

You have failed to provide any evidence to support your stories in this unban request, and thus we can only go out from our evidence and your word. Out from this we have choosen to let your ban stay as it was issued in the first place.

[FL] SnowredWolf
Server Administrator

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