Ban Request On Dan_M99
Name of player: Dan_M99

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65076899

Time in GMT: Unknown

Server: v2d

Summary: I was kicked from his clan and he was annoyed at me, then he PMed me me this,


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Picture is private.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(08-02-2014, 08:40 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Picture is private.

Will sort

(08-02-2014, 08:40 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Picture is private.


I will admit I said one swear but you broke some serious rules. You had contraband when roleplaying as LSA and you kept on coming to me when I was a BMD and I wasn't playing as LSA. I told you to leave in OOC but you refused and kept on coming to me when you died to tell me you had lost your m4 when I couldn't care less and to put the cherry on top you stole a car for no reason as LSA when we are a security agency. You clearly broke FailRP.I did warn you at the start when I enrolled you as an LSA agent that the clan is a serious role-play and I linked you to the Clan page on the forums to give you an idea how to play. I am sorry for swearing in game like that but what I said was not a swear aimed at you. You would not stop harassing me asking for one last chance. I am a soft person and I gave you two last chances before making a decision with the fellow members of the clan to kick you out. you may ban me for telling this player to f**k off but I thought I was in reason to. The word I said to him was not aimed to insult him it was used to put a point across to him. I would put a ban request on you but luckily for you u have to evidence to back up my point only the person that was with you the whole time! Please stop trying to make contact with me from now on The Derpy Gamer and if you break any more rule you will be expecting a ban request. I am ashamed for the foul language I have used.

I will take my punishment as it is I am admitting to telling him to "F**K OFF"

and next time Derpy think twice before lying to our faces. I did not tell you that you could re join the clan so don't ask anyone for the radio frequency!

(08-03-2014, 12:21 PM)0123miller Wrote: I will admit I said one swear but you broke some serious rules. You had contraband when roleplaying as LSA and you kept on coming to me when I was a BMD and I wasn't playing as LSA. I told you to leave in OOC but you refused and kept on coming to me when you died to tell me you had lost your m4 when I couldn't care less and to put the cherry on top you stole a car as LSA when we are a security agency. You clearly broke FailRP.I did warn you at the start when I enrolled you as an LSA agent that the clan is a serious role-play and I linked you to the Clan page on the forums to give you an idea how to play. I am sorry for swearing in game like that but what I said was not a swear aimed at you. You would not stop harassing me asking for one last chance. I am a soft person and I gave you two last chances before making a decision with the fellow members of the clan to kick you out. you may ban me for telling this player to f**k off but I thought I was in reason to. The word I said to him was not aimed to insult him it was used to put a point across to him. I would put a ban request on you but luckily for you u have to evidence to back up my point only the person that was with you the whole time! Please stop trying to make contact with me from now on The Derpy Gamer and if you break any more rule you will be expecting a ban request. I am ashamed for the foul language I have used.

I will take my punishment as it is I am admitting to telling him to "F**K OFF"

and next time Derpy think twice before lying to our faces. I did not tell you that you could re join the clan so don't ask anyone for the radio frequency!

I admit to all off that, but my char thought you were a Gun Dealer then you started swearing at me in rage via voice coms so I accepted that, but then you started it in PM.

So you have admitted to FailRP and Random stealing of a car??

I told you I was a BMD, I said go find a Gun Dealer. That is one pathetic excuse for saying I told you twice and you bought BM items off me! I did not swear via voice communication I told you if you break any more rules you will be kicked out of the clan. You are trying to find the tiniest reasons to ban me to get revenge because you were kicked out of the LSA. I warned you over and over plus you asked me if I was going to play LSA RP on Steam and I replied with "Im going to go black market dealer for a bit so i can help someone make ammo for GHOSTKILLER" As My friend DoMiiNo was hired by GHOST KILLER to make 400 rifle ammo so I helped him out by making 100 for him, by doing so I got a cut of the money he earned Either way we are both in the wrong.

Ok, so we are both wrong.

And I will amite to all of that.

It's immature, but what happened here isn't really enough to start dishing out a ban to Dan_M99.

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