Weapons unblacklist request
Your name: Recurracy

Your blacklist ID: 27752

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16577934

Reason: Invalid reason to kill someone

Staff member who blacklisted you: Floodify

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:
I was Corleone at the villas, hanging out with fellow Corleones, and two citizen players were shooting at all of us for no valid reason. I took out my AWP and took them down. We were still on edge so we didn't want anyone on the property. We owned all of the doors on the Corleone property. Two more citizens came, I told them to leave, they didn't because 'it's public property'. Whatever. I just leave because I found it a waste of time. They both ran around the Corleone villas, swearing at Corleones, several times they had a gun in their face and still refused to leave. They jumped over the fence with props as well. Later a fireman and a security guard were raiding our homes, and the same citizens were with them, although watching from a distance with weapons equipped, shooting at people. The security guard took a chair and sat on it all the time to avoid being killed. Then the same citizen came up and started provoking me after I told him to leave, saying things like "what are you gonna do", "I feel so scared", "I am so afraid", "Is that a threat to kill me", as well as swearing at all of us at gunpoint (therefore breaking FearRP). I snapped and shot him, mainly because he was doing this and because after being told to leave, he blatantly refused. I find it unfair to be blacklisted for this, because I was patient for over 30 minutes, and he was provoking me and breaking FearRP.
You shot him with an AWP right down, when he was unarmed. He didn't have any gun out and you didn't point a gun at him, you just told him to leave which he didn't have to. You may own the doors, but you do not own the streets therefore you had no valid reason to kill what so ever. Provoking verbally is not a reason to kill him, you may point a gun and tell him to stop, but you didn't. Still, he can still be there if he'd like since it's public property. And as of the other incidents, I wasn't around at that time, I was only around with that very incident I just spoke about.
Kind Regards,
Kind Regards,

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