Vipers - Shorten/Unban Request
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
Vipers - Unban Request

Your name: Vipers

Your ban ID: 39319

Banned by: [FL:M] Veryzn

Reason: Mass Inentional RDM, Impersonation of a administrator.

Involved: Nobody.

Why we should unban you:
Well, I will admit to you I was indeed much of a troll, and I understand the ban was not that long ago, but before this ban I personally would like to think myself as a reasonable player, I was very upset that day and players was telling me off whilst player, random arrest and crying for admin, so I decided to change my name to "[FL]Sexman" meaning these people think I am impersonating a admin, which technically I was and I do not blame them, before this however I was having real life problems and was very upset and wanted to take it out on somebody/something, So Stupidly I decided to take it out on this server and Massively RDM everybody I saw, for the reasons above and thinking back now I wish I took it on a "less popular" server as Fearless was a place for propper roleplay.
I am extremely sorry for my mistakes I would love to come back start fresh as a new guy, with my Lamborghini and become a valid member of the community, I will hopefully be able to show you administrators my full potential Cheese
Bantime over 1 year - You are allowed to post a second unban request 3 months after the denial.

Its has not yet been a month since you have posted your first one.
Denied, warning issued.

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