Unban request
[b]Your name:Millerterrence

[b]Your ban ID:32573

[b]Banned by:[FL] Fultzy

[b]Reason:Complete FailRP / Purposely ramming into cars / CDM (13th last chance)


[b]Why we should unban you:i think I have larned my lesson andwont do it again I know it was my fought but I as having to much fun that and was looking at what I was doing so I sorry about wa=hat I did and wont do it again.Thank u for ur time.
You have to put effort in a request like this.
You have had 13 bans since February. I dont think you have learned you lesson for breaking the rules. This ban is going to stay until the time that is left. Take this time to prepare yourself for whenever you are unbanned and realize this will be your last chance here because that will be number 14.


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