xmsden ban
Your name: [FL:RP] xmsden

Your ban ID: 28687

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Administrator disrespect, random vehicular theft, lying to an administrator.

Involved: Chrizzly

Why we should Unban you: this is what happened the rebel leader chrizzly said we needed to cause distress around the city like lockpicking cars and things so i went to lock pick a car and this narcotic came and why are you doing this i try ed to explain that the rebel leader said we had to do this so i did. also i was not rude to the admin in any way i just said i have done nothing but do as i was told by the rebel leader now im not sure if he was allowed to say this to us but i was aware of this, pluss i was not lying the admin said that he was there listening to this conservation so if he was he would have known and not have banned me im very very unhappy about this as i have done nothing also 6 days why
can someone reply to this
Don't bump your thread.
I was phased over your little grouping, when I told you to find proper reasons to raid, and every one of you went all "yeah fuck narc, he's just a douche". Next of, you steal a car without a proper reason, when I question you, you firstly lie, then tell me the truth.


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