Unban request - Pantix
Your name: Pantix (Thiago_Heil) (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: 17507 (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)

Banned by: [FL:M] Salinsky - [FL] Jamie (Admin that banned you)

Reason: Using an Alt account, to talk with the admin, since i couldnt contact him, which was a big mistake from my side.. (Why were you banned, what's listed as the reason?)

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.)
I was involved, and Salinsky was involved, and Jamie but later on.

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)
Well. Here's the story at first. - I was playing as President, in your server. And, there was a "Raid" going on. But then we asked them over (OOC) what the reason where? - The told that i was doing some Sexual harashment, on a girl..
But at that time, i was doing a really funny RP with a guy called Shikari (BloopzTV) ingame, i cant quite remember. Well anyhow, i was playing that, when i told them it was a Date RP, they retreated. My HSS were going in the elevator, to get them to the lower floor, i were looking at the elevator. And i saw shots, i THOUGHT i saw my HSS die, so i called admin (Salinsky) He came right away, and asked what was up. I told him they raided, without a reason. He asked who, and i gave him names ( I cant remember them now, its 3 weeks ago) He teleported them up, and i asked why they shot him, without a reason. They said they didnt, and i said "I saw it" - They said they didnt. Salinsky checked the logs, and he said "There was noone killed in the elevator Pantix" And i was writing, "Im really sorry, i saw/heard shots down there, and thought MY HSS died, cause he wrote "WTF" in (OOC) so i just thought it, but before i even wrote this down, i was banned for 2 days. - I was at a friends house, who actually plays this. I asked him if i may borrow his account, he said "Sure, just dont get me banned" And yea. I was on the server, and i called Salinsky over a Pm. He came, and i said, "Salinsky will you please promise me, you wont ban me if i tell you this" He said "okay" And i said "Im Pantix" And then i was writing again, a bad thing i have to write alot and press enter, write another and press enter.. Ofc Salinsky knew i was breaking the rule and he banned me. so i couldnt explain him the mistake from last. I was so stupid at that time, i forgot the "rule about multiply alts'" So i didnt say to Salinsky it was my friends account, and now my friend is kinda mad at me for getting him banned. What so ever, i tried to add multiply of admin's in these 3 weeks. Noone seemed to have time to accept, or anything.. I talked with Adman, he told me to make a unban request, This account which i am playing GM on is my friends, means. I have borrowed it for like 2 years now. - So he had the email on the account, and since he turned day to night, and night to day. We never talked, cause i was at school, and he was not. I tried 3 weeks to get to talk with him, and finally i got the code to the Steam login, on the forums. I really like the server, and would be pleasant, to play on it again. I miss my MOB RP, and the guys which i used to play with.. I just miss the Roleplay..
- Pantix, thanks for reading Admins, i hope you can do something to this. Cause i miss you all!
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Warned - Dont post unless involved
You thought they were raiding? If I recall correctly you said that they WERE raiding you randomly..

Also, if your HSS was in the elevator and you thought he died, how did you know the names of those who were raiding?
Smells fishy to me.

You got banned for attempting to frame other community members initially, because I checked the logs and if I recall correctly, they hadn't even equipped weapons. (If an admin could get the logs from this specific day, that would be really helpful.)

Which is why I banned you initially, then after, you pmed me on your alt, saying you needed to talk with me, I had to promise you not to ban you, but when you said it was you (pANTIX) on an alt, I banned you.

You could have, and should have, contacted me over Steam. I accept most people if they want to talk to me, I remove them when they're done explaining and that's how I work.

Also, you could have sent me a forum PM..

The initial ban length was not 2 days, by the way. It was 1 day, I can't ban for longer periods of time than 24 hours.

(12-05-2012, 03:47 PM)Salinsky Wrote: You thought they were raiding? If I recall correctly you said that they WERE raiding you randomly..

Also, if your HSS was in the elevator and you thought he died, how did you know the names of those who were raiding?
Smells fishy to me.

You got banned for attempting to frame other community members initially, because I checked the logs and if I recall correctly, they hadn't even equipped weapons. (If an admin could get the logs from this specific day, that would be really helpful.)

Which is why I banned you initially, then after, you pmed me on your alt, saying you needed to talk with me, I had to promise you not to ban you, but when you said it was you (pANTIX) on an alt, I banned you.

You could have, and should have, contacted me over Steam. I accept most people if they want to talk to me, I remove them when they're done explaining and that's how I work.

Also, you could have sent me a forum PM..

The initial ban length was not 2 days, by the way. It was 1 day, I can't ban for longer periods of time than 24 hours.

How can i not take it as a raid? They're coming 5-6 suited guys up with elevator, one police officer radioed in "Unknown amount of people coming up with Elevator without permission" I guess he couldnt stop them in time. Then i asked the people what the reason were for "raiding" since they DID raid
I AM NOT lying. They answered over OOC first, "Cause of the Sexual Harashment" I just asked "BloopzTV" first if he told them to raid me, cause of a sex harashment, but he said no, he didnt do anything he was fishing. They wrote over OOC that they were sent by the girl i was sex harrashing. Doesnt make sense either, but anyhow. Im just trying to say sorry for my mistake with the Multiply alt, and Yes, i just thought the whole thing was a "Big mistake" Thats why i tried to get contact with you..
Over steam ( no chances ) then ingame. But when i got perm banned, i was like "Then you're not the one in charge" Then you maybe couldnt help me. I just want to excuse for any failures i did, i just want back to the server. I miss the RP Actions, would be great if you could just shortened it a bit down.
- The only reason, i thought they were FAILRP was when i heard the shots in the elevator. I thought they shot my HSS since he was escorting them down, but if you're saying they had no Guns up. Then it must have been the HSS Who just shot randomly in the air, and im sorry for using your time.

Oh and, if you were reading the first post, i am clearly writing that this is my friends account, which he borrowed to me. It was on his email, and to post anything it requires a CODE on EMAIL. And that dude, he is playing alot. He did turn day to night, and night to day. Means he played at night, slept at day. And i was going to school, so i never talked with him. But 2 days ago. He was online real quick. And i needed to ask him really fast. - And he did give me the code. Thats why. I waited so long to post this Thread. I really use time on that server, i really love it too.. Great admins(When they're online) Great Mob RP. Great RP at all. And some great friends in there. I know you must have taken me as a minge, which wanted other guys banned. But if i really did fail that time, i am really sorry.
Yes, you failed terribly, you KNOW you shouldn't have logged on a different account to speak to me.

ANYONE I ban can add me and talk to me about it, not that I can unban them, but I can further clarify why they have been banned, and if indeed a mistake is made I can ask an admin to remove the ban from record.

I don't see why you didn't even ATTEMPT to add me?
(12-08-2012, 03:48 PM)Salinsky Wrote: Yes, you failed terribly, you KNOW you shouldn't have logged on a different account to speak to me.

ANYONE I ban can add me and talk to me about it, not that I can unban them, but I can further clarify why they have been banned, and if indeed a mistake is made I can ask an admin to remove the ban from record.

I don't see why you didn't even ATTEMPT to add me?

Trust me i did, i was going into the "FearlessRP" Steam community, i tried to search for you. I even added Adman. But he couldnt do anything, and he would tell me when you were online. - So i was like fine. Salinsky' will be online soon (after the permban) I just wanted to speak with you, i think i made a big mistake, with the Alt. It wasnt even "Okay" to do. You're right i should've searched for you more.. But i seriously couldnt find you. Sad
But its okay. You didnt make a big mistake, in the 1 day ban. It was me. And for that i am truly sorry.
I accept your apologies, you don't seem like someone with really bad intentions at all.

However it's not my call whether or not you can and/or will get unbanned.
I personally feel that you might deserve a second chance, even though I still think you should have handled the entire situation revolving around your initial ban in a different way, perhaps you could have made an unbanrequest, even though the ban was under 24 hours, I always find a minute to reply in them and further explain why I have given the punishment etcetera. This is something in case a similar event would occur.

We're now waiting for an admin to review your unbanrequest. I personally am for second chances.
I'd give you a second chance too if the ban wasn't under 24 hours.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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