Staff Report - [FL:T] Panda
Username: Kyle

Accused Staff Member: [FL:T] Panda

Involved Users:
  • - Me
Time/Date/Time Zone: 7.10pm UK

Abuse of Power or Rule Infringement: You may claim this is not abuse because you're all friends on this team, however, I highly disagree.
I was blacklisted from OOC due to be fighting with people trying to attack me in OOC, to which the other 2 didn't get blacklisted, only me. I strongly believe Panda has some against me personally.
He lied in the blacklist reason, claimed he told me to stop which he didn't, also he was being sly as the blacklist didnt show in the chat.  I'm sure lying to get someone blacklisted is a form of abuse, if this is not then I'm sure to what is. I have read the guidelines and it states form of punishment bla bla bla but this is a blatant lie, he never ONCE in OOC told me to stop, fair enough he told me to calm down, but what about the other 2 to kept shouting abuse while I was blacklisted? Seems to be aimed at me. It's a joke to lie in a blacklist to make it worse than it is, nor did I actually break any OOC rules, I was doing as the others were doing, defending myself. Again, they got off scott free but its me to get blacklisted?

Evidence and Explanation:

None of them show him asking me to "stop" nor does it show the blacklist in chat, wonder why?
I was being so aggressive because the users involved keep harassing me and the administrators never seem to see it, although, when I defend myself I get punished for it? Not fair

As a member of the community for a number of years, I find this to be a complete joke and is highly unprofessional of Panda to lie in order to get a reason to blacklist someone.
[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]
This is not abuse and from the evidence you supplied it proves that you were quite frankly just being rude. Punishment was justified. Case closed.
[Image: f2kzlKW.png]

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