Please Unban sorry
Your name: Ratted

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81423122

Your ban ID: 70823

Banned by: [FL] Hitman

Reason: CDM x4, Disconnecting to avoid punishment

Involved: Dont know

Why we should unban you: when i CDMed it was accident i was on the escape screen and i didn't realize there was people there and i was driving but i had to disconnect to switch PC off because my mum was having a go at me about PC being on sorry to everyone about my CDM next time i will definitely stop and disconnect 
Saw you CDM and from what I saw you were well aware of what you were doing. You (or someone in your car) laughed after the CDM also.
i didnt laugh? it seriously was an accident i like to rp not go cdming it ruins the fun sorry i dont know who laughed but my mic was on charge at the time? i can promise you i was on the escape menu trying to disconnect
Stance-Life  Heart
I am one of the people you CDM you came at us with speed
i was on the menu i didnt realise? im sorry i did i really didnt mean too
Stance-Life  Heart
You disconnected right after you did it. You wouldn't be driving and on the escape menu to disconnect while driving a car, it's just irresponsible. You are responsible for your actions at the end of the day. You looked damn well aware of what you did and I do not support an unban for this.

Therefore, Denied.

Fearless Administrator

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