Ban Request: ONE9393
Name of player: ONE9393

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35691564

Time in GMT: 1:40PM - 1:53PM

Server: V2D

Reason: NLR Breakage

Summary: So, I had just returned to the Nexus as a SRU member. ONE9393, as a security guard, Runs up to me, Starts wailing in my ear that someone in the apartments is armed and dangerous. So, I follow him to a apartment room in order to sort out whatever was going on. As I get there, I get a PM from Woshie (STEAM_0:1:23426043) telling me ONE9393 has broken NLR after already being killed by Woshie. So, After seeing both Woshie and ONE9393's sides of the story, I make the decision ONE9393 is breaking NLR, But I choose to leave and not take it further. However, As I leave Woshie contacts me again telling me ONE9393 is about to break NLR again after a conflict upstairs. Soon after his death, ONE9393 returns yet again, telling me that he was killed again and I should follow him. I told him he broke NLR again, And that a BR was to be placed on him.
Unfortunately, Woshie claims none of his recordings are saved, However, The screenshot below does show in the chat log ONE9393 claiming to be killed again, And I also took sections from the console to help back this up as well. I know I haven't got that much evidence, But hopefully what I've provided is sufficient, And anything Woshie
brings could also help.


Chat Log parts from Woshie and ONE9393
(Local OOC) Petercob: According to Woshie your breaking NLR
(PM) [FL:RP] Woshie: And I don't know if he has wallkhack or something, but he kept
hitting me through the walls.

one93933rff3f: i haver tnt for door

(PM) [FL:RP] Woshie: He breached my door and ran into the other room, so I went after him Smile

(After his second death according to Woshie)
one93933rff3f: come
one93933rff3f: she is in u
one93933rff3f: she killed me second
one93933rff3f: hear u the shoots
User has already been banned.
Kind Regards,

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