Engine on/off change.
Title of Suggestion: Engine on/off change.

Once a player gets inside the car, he/she would have to use the command /engine on instead of him getting inside and the engine magically turning itself on. Also, when getting out of the car it should be the same, unless they want to lose fuel they have to do the command /engine off.
To make this more simple, there could just be a automatic /me command So that when a player gets inside the car it would look like this:
**Andrew 'Tandy' Trinko turns the engine on**
**Andrew 'Tandy' Trinko turn the engine off**

I don't like how the engines magically turn themselves on and off when a player gets in/out of a vehicle. Improve realism and it would be a nice touch to cars.
Yours sincerely,
Fearless Member
I think this is a good idea. +Support.
+support for option 1.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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Option 1 sounds really reasonable, +Support.
+support for option 1, but make the fuel loss significantly lower since your engine is only idling.
I'm not the most active around here, but feel free to send a PM if you need help!

Personally like the fact that I can just hop into a car and drive.
I like option two. +support
+ Support for option 1.
Already ingame.

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