Unban request [No Reason Ban]
Your name: BOTnim [iSR]

Your ban ID: 29898

Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: fail RP (random shooting) General rule 5 after warning

Involved: I don't Remember his name but there was 2

Why we should unban you: My ban as no reason .. in nowhere I have been shot at a bus station in a middle of a convesation to unban my friend .. And it was not in porpous... i was shot 1 shoot on a nothing and after I asked him to unban Disconnect: you have been banned from our server... or something... please unban me ... I didnt do anything

and just for u to know .. I was helping ALOT of peapol and im like to be an officer... I've played 1 day and now i got 10Hour's...

Sorry for my bad English

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