Removing Bans
Removing Bans

Recently, i was looking at my bans, and i realized that the first 2 Bans that i had received were when i first joined the server, and i was wondering if there was possibly a way to get rid of the bans, if i had an acceptable reason.

So can someone please tell me, if there is possibly a way to contact an admin, and speak to him about the bans, and hopefully i could get 2 of them removed, as i felt that i was banned for an invalid reason.
Post a late dispute in the Unban Request section, if an appeal for your ban was already denied, don't do so.
If the ban was invalid, even the admin himself will remove it. I was banned for a day for something invalid. After a row of PMs and clear evidence against the ban, it was completely removed from the list.

Please note that just because you were new and maybe not as aware of the rules as you are now, it's still rulebreak amd should therefore stay on your record. But that's just my opinion.
Other than that. I recommend doing what Narcotic said.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Correct answers provided.

Only appeal bans that were clearly invalid or mistakes, evidence always helps.

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