[Unban Request] Sommer
Your name: Sommer

Your ban ID: 20630

Banned by: Beflok

Reason: Ban request 23295. NLR, stole car to sell back, Fail RP

Involved: Gombie, ^^4Wild^^1cat & His Bodyguard

Why we should unban you: As you can see if was banned off my own ban request, go ahead and laugh at me.
So, first of all i would like to say that i did not NLR, i didn't have 1 single death in the session of the movie. And i didnt steal the car, one of my rebel soldiers did and brought it to my base, I found out that it was the president's car who already had banned us from the city. I decided to take advantage of that and tried to sell it back to him.
Then it all ended up with him swearing at me and then reconnecting to get his car back.
I Honestly dont see why i got banned for selling a stolen car from the person that already suspended me from the city.
I would like some opinions of why you think this is a fair/unfair ban. Cause i definantly think it was unfair as i did not break any rules.

Oh and Sommer is Sorry
So tell me. How the hell would you know to contact a person that has already died? Just because you didn't die doesn't mean you cant break NLR. You contacted him after he died, when he dies he is no longer that person anymore. You chased him shooting at him when he merely punched you once. I am not saying I agree with the punch, but in your ban request you said it almost like an accomplishment that you killed him after he "assaulted" you. Last time I checked fists vs an AK47 is a very un RP scenario and instead of solving the problem YOU cause more problems.

I don't have evidence of any of the accusations you gave him as well.

I don't like to ban veteran players but sometimes it needs to happen when they step out of line. Veteran players should know better.

Denied since you clearly don't understand the rules you broke.
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