Unbann Request StigCudi
Your name: StigCuפi

Your ban ID: 14388

Banned by: Mahti

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d

Involved: dont know the other guy he was harasing me so i told him to back off or i would tranq and i did and then ran away from him and the admin grabbed me and banned me

Why we should unban you: i dont feel two weeks is suitable ban for tranqing some one who wouldn't leave me alone i get how it looks like random tranqing but im not gonna risk all my stuff and being banned of the best rp server. I have donated in the past if you look and i just recently started playing again and then i get banned Sad. An unbanning would be nice and if not a reduction as i said im not trying to destory the fun of the server. Also i have got quite a few hours on the server so im not just a one off player trying to troll. cheers
You tranqed 3 guys, one who were also AFK
I only tranqed one guy there was some one else with a tranq :S but i guess ill just wait it out Tounge

(09-01-2012, 04:57 PM)Mahti Wrote: You tranqed 3 guys, one who were also AFK
No I checked console from 10 minutes
Unban request denied.

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