I think my ban is too long
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting consistently to the wrong forum/category
Your name: Kiwi
Your ban ID: 30544

Banned by: [FL] fultzy

Reason: Random raid , suicide, diconnect

Involved: Other rebels who's name i forgot, [FL] fultzy
Why we should unban you: I might deserve to be banned but i think 5 days is too much after all i didnt know raiding without a bad president is wrong ,ive never been banned before too, Also i may have commited suicide and disconnected but that was because and admin went to me while i was raiding, but before he said a word (or something i heard) i paniced because i was scared i might be perma banned from your great server so i commit suicide. however i dont think i deserve 5 days of ban. i think it should be shorter.or maybe thats me because i have absolutely nothing to do and other RP server cant compare to cityRP.
Wrong section again - user warned.

Post the unban request here: http://www.fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=15

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