Your name: qz

Your ban ID: 17948

Banned by: [FL:M] ¤|doomdude1|¤

Reason: Random cuffing and tazing a mod while dealing with a case

Involved: Another person I tazed whose name I can not remember

Why we should unban you: Doomdude and someone else were standing next to two cars in front of a gate (the industrial area). I didn't see them talk at all nor did I notice that Doomdude had probably teleported there. Behind the gate there were multiple drug labs scattered all around. This of course seemed suspicious and I proceeded to taze Doomdude and the other person in question. I was already starting to question said people when Doomdude said "now you're in trouble" and banned me couple of seconds later.
In my opinion wording in the ban reason is bad and fights against the whole "friendly roleplay server" principle when rather new police officers are instantly (and relatively harshly) punished instead of taught to act correctly. Also the rules do not clearly state what to do in case of contraband so I just assumed cuffing and questioning would be appropriate.
You slammed the brakes when you saw us, you saw me teleport there, and you proceeded to instantly taze me. You did not even attempt to ask a question or say a word you just tazed both of us and proceeded to cuff us.
(11-26-2012, 02:20 PM)Doomdude1 Wrote: You slammed the brakes when you saw us, you saw me teleport there, and you proceeded to instantly taze me.

You clearly did not pay enough attention to the situation then. When I got out of the vehicle your back was facing me meaning you didn't see me enter the field/factory area at all. This also means that when I saw you you were already there. Admins are free to check the logs for the amount of time between your teleport/me exiting the car and my taze. I would guess good ten seconds which can hardly be considered instantly tazing.

(11-26-2012, 02:20 PM)Doomdude1 Wrote: You did not even attempt to ask a question or say a word you just tazed both of us and proceeded to cuff us.

Read the OP properly please. I stated that the rules don't clearly state how to act in this kind of situation which could've used some guidance from actually helpful moderator. When I tazed you and you told me you were handling a case there I told you I didn't know and was ready to apologize and uncuff but I couldn't before I got banned.

I know you're a new moderator so the amount of admin messages you guys get can be a bit new and stressful but honestly, don't forget that sometimes accepting an apology instead of showing off your new powers could pay off.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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