Fearless Forums
PR: damienmamie24 - Printable Version

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PR: damienmamie24 - Alreadu_emppus - 01-14-2018

Name Of Player:damienmamie24

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:246351965

time in GMT: 13:02

Server: v5p

Summary: I became the president, and saw this, as my first thing, random props spawned to Presidential Office.

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/918039750398596557/72DFB5BB4C45FA3FAA7A121CBFA20A2E1213CC71/    The other guy is my guard if you are wondering.

RE: PR: damienmamie24 - DVN - 01-15-2018


Concluding notes

Reported user has been found guilty of prop spam and will receive a 1 day ban and a 4 hour PTE blacklist.