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Story Time Contest #1 - Printable Version

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Story Time Contest #1 - Elder - 11-27-2011

Here we go guys, my first ever Story Time Contest in the Off-topic section!

It's very simple, I give you something in which you must write a short story about! There will be a very special prize to the winner which will be equivalent to a pat on the back.

Are you ready to begin? Here we go, you must write out a short story about:

Faustie, he has been busy this past week. Besides playing Skyrim, what do you think he has been occupied with?

A few rules:
No swearing
Do not write anything that could possibly offend someone
Keep it classy

I will judge on creativity, originality, grammar, organization, and comedic value.


RE: Story Time Contest #1 - MikeyTheFox - 11-27-2011

Faustie, the least likely person to be a hero. Atleast, from what we know. He lives in some place in that part of the world no one really cares out or just never asked. While people might think he's busy with is little video games and can't be on Fearless. They are dead wrong. He is saving the world from alines and other stuff and we just know about. I do, how you may ask? I been watching him for awhile. Studying his movements. Were he goes. Who he talks to. We know him as Faustie, his real name is Dovahkiin. He's been traveling the world in his magical Blue Box with some random hot chick. I saw him in action before. Dovahkiin rushed out from his blue box ran up to dragons and blast them away with a magical shout. And slaying them with his mighty sword. Then back in the box and disappears. Ofcouse we all know about Dovahkiin, he's just a legend. A person that name pops up everwere you see in a history book. Everyone though he was fake. But I didn't. I ran into people who used to be companions with Dovahkiin. They said he fought dragons, alines and even saved worlds. And when he had his time off. He spent it playing a stupid video game on the computer saving that world as well. "He's a true hero" one called him. Even though hes just really a Big fat geek with a magical box a sword and a voice that can piece threw the heavens." "Don't believe in me, he always said, believe in you that believes in me!" Those magical words that he told to all his companions. And the believe themselves to believe in him.

Also he has a pet Raptor named Raptor Jesus.

The End

(The short version if you are saying TL;DR)

There once was a guy named Faustie, he was so cool everyone died...The End...

RE: Story Time Contest #1 - The Painkiller - 11-27-2011

A long time ago, in a land far far away....

In the far land of confusion, there is a young Padawan, learning the skills of becoming Jedi. His name is Faustie. On his journey he met the wise Jedi Master, Gabe Newell.
Gabe Newell taught him all he knew. Not long until Faustie was using a portal gun, while eating the sandvich edible device.
A long civil war was going on. The rebels are fighting against the huge power of the combine.
The young Faustie joins the rebels. He shall conquer the combine. He battles the evil Emperor Bobby Kotick.
[Image: bobby%20kotick%20emperor.jpg]
Master Jedi Gabe Newell assisted him in this fight.
A long heavy fight goes on.
[Image: Nerd%20fight.jpg]
It didn't look like they would win.
But then.
[Image: MarkusPersson469x30_216539b.jpg]
Jedi Master Markus 'Notch' Persson joined Gabe and Faustie.
After a long fight, they defeated the evil Emperor Bobby Kotick.
Sadly, Gabe Newell lost one of his eyes.
[Image: Gabe-Newell-Pirate.jpg]

At last, they celebrate their victory in the metro cafe.

RE: Story Time Contest #1 - Jan - 11-28-2011

Well he started as a normall guy playing games (like gmod) he was good at it.
but in some day he was the chosen one for something he just knew it, he is facing a crisis a top secret crisis he doesn't know this yet we will all know very soon what this will be if faustie isn't going to do something.
one day faustie was playing football but then his ball fell in a dark place he runned after his ball, only it was acting kinda strange after it fell down in a green lake.
The ball didn't fall now but it was floating up in the air, then faustie was trying to find out what this lake was but then al the water dissapeared.
some guy came out the water and told him to run but then faustie told him to fuck off.
the man screamed very strange things like: the T virus is coming mooooove!
after that faustie knew he wasn't safe he had to run, but to where?
he saw allot of guys coming at that moment only they weren't normall guys they were.......
then a man with glasses and a suit jumped down to faustie, he told him: do what I say and you will be ok.
so faustie did, the man was shooting all this strange people then he gave faustie a gun only it wasn't a normall gun the gun had huge spikes on it.
he grabbed one of the strange guys and thrown him in the place where the lake was.
then the lake came back and all the strange guys where moving back, since that point faustie had no time playing on fearless he was bussy with a secret project.........

RE: Story Time Contest #1 - Biowulf - 11-28-2011

Quote:but then his ball fell in a dark place he runned after his ball, only it was acting kinda strange after it fell down in a green lake
The ball didn't fall now but it was floating up in the air,

[Image: pennywise.jpg]

RE: Story Time Contest #1 - Elder - 11-29-2011

I am loving these stories so far! Good job everyone!

By the way...

The contest ends when Faustie notices this thread

RE: Story Time Contest #1 - Rahiro - 11-29-2011

He drunk a coke.
Went to toilett and well he was Flushed Away.
We wont know what he actually did. We wont know what acutally happened.
But one thing is sure, you will never believe it.


The mountain loomed over them like some shadow of doubt. Faustie had been walking for years, following this man who called himself their leader. In truth no one had swore fealty to him. The sun shone high upon their backs. Faustie could feel the burning light penetrate his shirt. Looking up he saw their leader, Soul, motion for the rest of the group to rest.

Sitting on a rock Faustie looked about himself. There was desert everywhere. What he would have given for a glimpse of a single blade of grass. Ever since the Ancients had ignited the second sun, the entire world had become desert, or so Faustie had heard. The elders hinted at how the pollution turned the Ancient’s dream into a living hell for all beings. Faustie had listened as the elders talked about the maddening effect the heat had on the world’s leaders. He had seen it himself, the madness. Some said that those who went mad were being taken to another world where there was green as far as the eye could see. Others said the madness was a punishment, sent to purge the race of men of all sinners.

Then there was their leader Soul. Who had left him in charge? Faustie had been following him for years. Why? Out of nowhere, Soul had simply appeared claiming to know where the Green Land lay. Faustie could feel something stir inside him. As he looked up and saw the grin on Soul’s face he became enraged, the anger overwhelming him. He turned to Soul and lunged at him, a rock in his hand. The two of them struggled for a while, but slowly Soul got Faustie on the ground, a rock held high above his head. Faustie quickly came to his senses, but before he could utter a word Soul brought the rock crashing down on his face. Faustien almost cried in the few moments before his death. Now he lay crushed on the desert ground, yet another victim of the madness. Soul wept, for he had just crushed his only son to death with a rock, such was the curse of the madness.
Souls reaction:

After I wrote this I feld like :UH:

RE: Story Time Contest #1 - Biowulf - 11-29-2011

It was a dark, rainy day in England, when Faustie was walking trough the street. Hoodie on and with his hands in his pockets. He was going home.
After a while, he heard some noises. He got curious and started to move towards the sound. The noises got louder and turned into yells.
Faustie moved around the corner. He saw a gang being busy beating someone up. Faustie shocked and hid himself behind a tree.
There were 6 guys beating up a smaller kid. Faustie just stood and stared helplessly as the gangmembers were punching and kicking.
After about 10 minutes, the gang ran away into the dark. Faustie slowly moved towards the hurt victim. He was all bloody.
The man called for help, faustie reacted immediately. He called 911. The ambulance arrived, and the man thanked Faustie.

A few days after the incident, he saw the gang again. This time, faustie was the victim. He got beat up, but the police arrived in time.
He had no serious injuries.
"This has to stop !" said Faustie to himself.
He gathered his friends, and told them about what happend earlier. They wanted to teach them a lesson.
They gathered some clubs, bats, and other weapons.
It could begin.
They started to look for the gang. After some searching, they finally found them, and so the fight started.
It was faustie's gang against the other gang.
Faustie won.

Faustie felt powerful, full of might. He liked the feeling of having power. Scaring others away by using violence..
His own gang started to patrol the streets, doing the same thing he was always afraid for.
More people started to join his gang, the gang grew. melee weapons got replaced by rifles, businesses were taken over in the controlled streets.
Faustie got rich after this. He controlled all of the city, nobody could get in their way.

And after many weeks, faustie is still the leader of the gang.

Faustie.. Is the ruler of the city.


RE: Story Time Contest #1 - Elder - 12-07-2011

Great stories guys, if there is anyone else who wants to participate hurry up and post fast! A winner will be decided very soon!

RE: Story Time Contest #1 - Nadrick - 12-08-2011

i came to see this thread and realized that elder had been tricking us the whole time!

he knows what faustie is really doing and he hid it under our noses!!!!!


[Image: 2czx9vm.gif]

faustie is at a break dancing contest that last 22 years