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Could someone please clarify these rules for me? - Printable Version

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Could someone please clarify these rules for me? - Iban - 10-14-2011

Hey lads! Since the Gmod is still broken for the time being, I figured now would be a good chance to go through the server rules. After giving the rules a read, a few questions popped into my head, and I'd appreciate a clarification on these.

First of all, I'd like to make clear that I'm about as far from a troublemaker one can get. That's one of the reasons for me making this thread aka to avoid stepping on anyone's toes. I'm asking because I want fluent, legal RP to be played out on my part, not because I'm looking for loopholes to abuse.

Below are the rules in question sorted by category:

[General Rules]
6. Do not use the flare gun if you are not in an emergency situation.

I've used a flaregun to signal the start of a "battle" in my Arena RP, and I will probably use it later on in my planned Olympics RP to send the contestants on their way. It just seems fitting to me, and I frankly don't feel like I abuse it since there's actually RP involved and the actual rate of firing it is somewhere between 1 shot in 4-5 minutes.

Also, sometimes as rebel leader, I've planned about using the flare as a signal my collegues to act. (In a pre-planned way, of course). Whether it be to open fire or the sort. I know the radio is an option too, but I prefer the dramatic moment of firing a flare to using a "telepathic" radio.

I do realize this rule exists to prevent flares from flying all over the city, but I do believe the use in these situations is at least partially justified.


14. Fear RP applies under gunpoint. You can't attack a person who has a gun pointed at you, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun as your character only has one (1) life.

Kind of obvious this, but just to clarify, if someone were to pull a crowbar or a knife at me, let's say a three feet away and order me to follow, would running away break fear RP?

Personally, if someone pulled a knife on me and began approaching me with a clearly menacing intention, I'd get the hell away from him as fast as I could. After all, they'd need to be pretty much next to me to actually cause harm (granted, if he pulled it out right next to me, properly RP'd, I'd follow fear RP.) unlike with a gun, where one could open fire to hurt me anytime.

[OOC and IC Rules]
7. Do not spam /advert at all you must wait least 1 minute before advertising again.

Granted, this is to reduce spam, but if my advert is a bit longer, I might have it in two parts. Hell, for initiating certain RPs and letting people know about 'em, I've used 3 or four.

Well, at least I'm not spamming the same "SELLING MURCI CHEAP PM ME" text 60 times within the minute.


9. It's not allowed to make traps or barricades into your base. Also fences with floors and towers are not allowed.

First two are obvious, but I've seen plenty of watchtowers & gatehouses without anyone causing a bigger fuzz about it, hell even the bridge to the president's office usually get's subjected to two-story mannable defensive walls.

In fact, I don't think I've ever seen the latter part of this rule enforced! But just to be on the safe side, ould one of you expain this to me?


[Door Rules]
1. Do not build more than 2 custom doors which are not public in a row. Your friend's doors are counted as well.

Aka this means from point A to point B? Say I was a secretary and the Nexus Lobby had one door, and in the Penthouse level there were another two doors, one near the elevator exit and one after the winding bridge.

That'd break this rule, no?


[Job Rules]
2. You must play like your job name, for example when you are chef, don't go around raiding.

Another dumb one here, but are those unemployed armed with M4s and with a custom job "Criminal" really allowed to raid & destroy contra as "civilians" because they are "criminals"?

Asking because the next two rules state the following:
3. When you are unemployed you can have a custom job, but not any jobs which include any rule breaking.
4. Don't abuse your job in any way possible.

Just throwing it out there, since regular unemployed need to call the cops when they see contraband, but not these guys. Then again, two bladed sword here, if it's RPed correctly, I don't have a problem with this, but sometimes I feel people just change to "Criminal" as an excuse to raid.


[Hostage Rules]
2. Do not run away from gunpoint or while being tied: this is breaking Fear RP.

I find it annoying when I'm having a civil conversation with a rebel near their base as an officer and suddenly his mate sneaks up behind me and begins to rope me mid-conversation. I don't believe attempting to avoid this sudden (and usually random) hostaging attempt breaks Fear RP, even though the person with the rope usually insists so.

Asking because... well...
4. If you continue to break these hostage rules you will be banned permantly.


9. You may not hostage people in the streets.
I have to admit, I've done this, but ONLY when I had a proper reason and the target of hostaging was mostly out of sight aka in the Slums area.

RP wise I find it pointless to wait until your target enters a building or worse yet, their base. Could someone explain to me what this rule consists of, exactly?


[President Rules]
2. The President must answer warrants. You can either accept or deny them.

Mostly asking about this because I was hostaged as a President this one time and I since using the radio is banned, I can't see why warranting wouldn't be. Got loads of crap about that in OOC, too. But I cleared the situation afterward after the situation was over.

6. Do not spam /broadcast wait 1 minute before broadcasting again.
Same thing as with advertising.


[Paramedic Rules]
1. The paramedics are not allowed to heal sides during a gun fight.

If a paramedic was to establish a fall-back position far away from the danger zone where the police could retreat to regroup, would that be okay?


[Rebels/Mafia Rules]
3. Do not kill any of your own team.

Does this apply If I were to RP the ol' cement shoes treatment or other execution on a traitor or a disobedient member of an underground group?


7. Different teams are created for a reason do not join other teams, for example rebels don't join mafia.

Does this mean that the Rebels & Mafia cannot form an alliance between the two groups whilst still being seperate? What I mean by this is a "you scratch my back, I scratch yours"-system, for example safe-house utilizing or causing a distraction?


Whew, took me a good while to write this. Sorry for taking your time with this, but I'd really like to be sure about these things for future reference.

Thanks for reading and all that! Cool

RE: Could someone please clarify these rules for me? - Triangle - 10-14-2011

This wasn't needed, really.. They are all already on the forum where you copy and pasted them from

RE: Could someone please clarify these rules for me? - SoulRipper - 10-14-2011

- Yeah I won't mind if you use flaregun for that, but technically it's not allowed.

- If someone is not standing in front of you and if he has a crobar/knife etc you may run away.

- Use jargons or wait 1 minute, it's annoying to have 2 full lines of text in chat for an advert.

- We mean that you can only make fences that surrounds your base, and not make floors or stairs on them.

- From point A to B yes, doesn't matter how many floors the building has.

- You can RP as criminal, since you aren't Unemployed anymore, still you need good reason to raid, so absolutely not randomly. You can't RP as hitman though or similar.

- You can only hostage inside your own base, so you was victim of a rule-breaker, we simply can't control everything.

- The only hostage inside your base rule is made to prevent hostaging on street which becomes annoying, you've broken the rule by hostaging on street, don't do that again.

- Sometimes it's not possible to broadcast as president, indeed when you are hostaged and they took your radio away. If we have to make exceptions for every rule it becomes a disaster to read.

- With spamming broadcasts we mean not broadcasting the same broadcast over and over. Indeed needs better explanation.

- Paramedics can heal in that case if they are sure the persons won't rejoin the fight, so a bit OOC knowledge is needed here.

- Yes, friendly fire applies also in that case. It's semi-serious and the team leader is able to demote. Edit: For mafia RP this can be essential sometimes, going to re-consider this.

- Nope it's like: You can't be mafia and join the rebels to play against your own team. Indeed needs better explanation.

Thank you for taking your time to read the rules, and to ask questions about them you were unsure of!
