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{GUIDE}|Rules/Tips/+MORE For Roleplay - Printable Version

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{GUIDE}|Rules/Tips/+MORE For Roleplay - theinkbird - 01-06-2014

Hello everyone! I am going to write about all these different rules you should follow SO LISTEN, and don't give me silly responses as, "Well you were banned a lot!" Nag nag nag stuff. I do know what rules are and i know how to follow them i just make the choice not to sometimes. So here it is! ENJOY!!!


Now yes everyone has talked about this subject for a long time but maybe we should revisit it shall we? Okay then!

DON'T use OOC (out of character) chat to say what just happened or anything else that should be dealt not with everyone to hear. For example:
DON'T say," Hey Fluffy, come to the house and lets make contraband"
also DON'T say," I JUST SAW THIS GUY GOT RAIDED AND THEN STOLE HIS CONTRA BUT THEN GOT KILLED!" as this one breaks 4 rules, both caps and NLR along with metagame and people will break the rules and ask questions which they shouldn't be as your past self is dead.

Lets say there is a player who's steam name is joeshmoe and they have an ingame name called Gerald Carptunnel.
DON'T: Call them by their steam name
DO: Call them by their ingame name
Now you may ask why people do that. See the whole point of Roleplay is kinda like Halloween. You pretend your someone for entertainment. Your basically an actor to entertain yourself and others. Like if you are a clown, they don't call you engineer do they? Just because they are that doesn't mean they want to be called that way. So call them by their ingame name NOT their steam name.

If a player dies then DON'T say anything about their past life. For example:
You're a player who just got killed by a rebel...
DON'T: Tell anyone in radio,request,clan,ETC. what happened in your past life.
DON'T: Go back to the place you died for AT LEAST 5 minutes, EVEN IF your car is there,lost items, Or anything else missing there.THIS IS NOT AN ADVANTAGE!!! You don't tell you friends or anyone when that incident has happened as its done and you cant do anything about it. It happened in the past self of you and that past self is dead so once your dead that's that so don't expect to go back there and get your contra and hide it or kill the people destroying it after 5 minutes. The 5 minutes thing is just a boundary that you can't cross or engage in.
IF: you REALLY HAVE TO walk past that area to get to a location just DON'T engage in it no matter where it is as that is breaking the New Life Rule (AKA NLR) so hurry past it!
DO: Report to an admin if it was RDM,CDM,or anything else
BONUS: If you want to be REALLY good at Roleplay when your character dies then change your ingame name. It really shows you know how to Roleplay. Act totally different if you can as this will make you respected by others!

Now to the more interesting stuff for the people who came to look for some tips

Now this will be for the more experienced players but for you newbies i will explain what some things mean at the end, i will highlight those words in brown.

When your Roleplaying don't Power-Gaming. what i mean by that is like this:
Fluffykitten47:/me Jimmy points a gun on John
Turdmonkeyz:/me John takes Jimmy's gun then is about to pull the trigger
Fluffykitten47:/me spawns a demon and then rides on it then takes out spear and stabs john in the head with it

Now this is just false Roleplay and makes you look foolish. DON'T: Make it unrealistic, as i said with the "Spawn Demon" thing. Instead be truthful and say "/me gets shot in the arm by john and falls down bleeding rapidly."
DON'T: force players to do actions, only respond in your actions not the others like if you say,"/me john kills himself and jimmy wins" if your the one saying it. You are not in control of what the other player does, that is the whole fun of it as you don't know what john may do next but you answered for him which is very UNFAIR! Make everything fair especially in these roleplay fights as it has to be real enough for a 50/50 chance of you to be defeated or to defeat the other.

Instead a GOOD idea is when you are the one mugging the person(or whatever else you may be doing) DON'T say what i said above,"Fluffykitten47:/me Jimmy points a gun on John" instead say,"Fluffykitten47:/me Jimmy puts on a cold stone face as he takes out a steel alloy pistol from his pocket and then points harshly at Johns face" or you could replace "Johns" with "the mans" or "the womans" if you want to be like you don't even know the guy/girl. This is better Roleplay and it makes the Roleplay between you and the player more exciting to experience.

POWER-GAMING: To have control/force on the other player to do what you want them to do. You say/do what you want them to. Like a puppet.
Don't change jobs and buy what you need and change to another job as that is ALSO Power-Gaming


DO: Roleplay your job, if your job is a chef make food
DON'T: Raid if that is not the type of job you are. Raiding is for the Rebels, Corleones, and the Cops/Sru if there is a warrant on you. Also don't do contra or base either as your a city service not underground or civil force.

RAIDING: To steal/destroy/get anything inside someones territory,home,or land.
!This rule is both allowed and not allowed. There has to be a reason why you are raiding the person or you get a bowl of ban soup and trust me it does NOT taste good,Blagh!

IF: You are AFK for more than 5 minutes switch to unemployed as others would like to roleplay that job and you arn't doing anything at that moment with the job.

DO: When unemployed have a custom job
DON'T: Have a custom job that breaks rules like Hitman,rapest,child abuser,ETC.


The whole point of roleplaying! BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE. see there is so much out there you could put out there. And everytime you die, CHANGE EVERYTHING!!! on the website so people can look into to know more about you and ingame so when you play you know who you are. you can do this everytime you die which is pretty painful or you could do it only ingame or on the website! Whatever makes you feel comfortable. Did you do time? Were you once of some big community? Did you save humanity? Is you identity hidden and you retired from something important to you? there's so many things just look up on the internet jobs, Quiz yourself, and so on. Just think and write it down and then put it together to make your character whatever you want and the fun part is you can always change it whenever you want if you get bored of it.

Also, DON'T say:
John: Hey jimmy!
Jimmy: who are you?

As this is fail Roleplay becuase you looked at the player context label to see all the characters info. You should have had a greeting of hello and then asked for his name then give him your name.


Now when someone points a gun at you BE AFRAID. Also DON'T run away from it or take out a pistol or any big weapon and pull it on them as that is breaking the rules. You simply obey or DO as the person says toward you.

If your the robber then don't do it near the police station or nexus. Also do it when there is no one else around and it's just you and your victim to prey on.

If your the cop arrest or handcuff or tell the victim to get on their knees and hands over their head. DON'T kill them. That is fail Roleplay and a cop would never do such a thing EVEN IF YOU ARE SRU! Just because you have a SMG doesn't mean your the chuck norris of the heroes that save Cityrp!


Now yes who isn't the first to actually be too lazy to read the rules. I know how it feels the first time you join a server or anything but you have to do it! See the rules make things have more sense. if you look at all the guides this place has you will understand how many advantages there is when you arn't the minge and even though it sounds dull in the official rules of Fearless RP it will have a better understanding when you read things like this that im typing. IT WILL MAKE MORE SENSE TRUST ME!
Here is the link:

Did i miss anything? Tell me in the comments below and i will expand this! <---- this text will be removed after everything i think i have listed is approved of by me and the admins. THIS IS BETA! Im working on the whole thing so i will try to stay in contact with everyone. Give me Rep!!! this took my 4-5 hours to have hard thought. THANK YOU!