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Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Printable Version

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Corrupted, so corrupted.... - User 12049 - 09-27-2013

Date:22/9/13(England layout)
Steam ID:
Name of Administrator:
Back plot:
The president (EODxChaos) went dictator and I was assigned his Royal Guard. Once I am assigned he tells me to use “Danger close” which we call when you can take action if someone is taking him hostage close to him(E.g kill the person but don’t injure the president.)As I come from another RP game (Jailbreak) I have very good accuracy. The president banned the GO Group from the city so they came seeking for revenge. The president tells us they have arrived because he sees them pull up in a black hummer and sees them come out. I stood my ground and defence the president as the onslaught of the SRU and police came to a halt with all of them dead. I was left with the president and myself in his office. I stand by the door to face imminent dead. They walk in don’t see me so I rush out but someone out of the elevator takes me out. While this is happening the president is taken hostage by the GO group. As this is going on I wait at spawn for my NLR timer to finish. Once it is over I see the president come out by the garage doors. I follow them and take immediate action. I pull out my M4A1 and tranq sniper and return fire and the men taking my VIP hostage. I tell the SRU to make a roadblock and let no-one in or out of the city. The Hummer starts driving out of the city but sees the blockade so they drive up to the apartments and slowly push down. I start to move to the BP because I know they have to push out of it so I wait for them. As expected they attempt to push out killing anyone governmental in there path. I am able to hit one of the attackers whom was killing a police man with my tranq dart and they get knocked down. So I rush at the player and kill him because if I let him stay down he would only get back up and finish the job and I didn’t have any time to get out my hostage rope. I kill him and run away under fire from the enemy. I run behind the BP to reload. Then from the corner of my eye I notice a black Hummer at BurgerKing. I see that the president is in the back left and then I see there is a driver. I take evasive action and am able to kill the driver. I move up with extreme caution to confirm the kill. I then see another player and he starts to shoot at me, I return fire and then the message appears saying I am banned for “MassRDM”.
I would first like to point out the fact that how on earth could he declare that I MASS RDM’ed? He didn’t even dispute the matter, he just straight up bans me without hesitation. There were no messages in chat or warning he was just a straight up ban. What we can conclude from this, is admin rage. He was pissed off that I killed him so he bans me.

Admin Lies

Before I start all evidence will be collected from this ban appeal here: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=37712&pid=301086#pid301086

Ok so it starts off with Narcotic saying in reply to my thread with “Let's start from an end.

A royal guard is employed to protect a V.I.P, obviously in this case, the president. The hummer contained the president hostaged, and yes, you nearly managed to kill him. On top of that, 15 minutes before you decided to shoot me and the president, you had been shooting, tranquilizing and attacking several civilians who were not involved. I saw you directly charging civilians with your weapon - not in the crossfire, but direct approaches.
As for the tranquilizing you were not only targetting the attacking side.

Not to mention your decision to send a hateful PM to me tossing conspiracies around, that also won't help your case.”

. Ok let’s talk about this. First off he says that “president hostaged, and yes, you nearly managed to kill him.”. Now I would like to know how on earth he can register this within 5seconds of me killing him and him banning me. Second of he says and I quote “You nearly managed to kill him”. How would he know this? There is no damage logs at-all(his words). Then to carries this on he says I nearly killed him. I have proof that I didn’t kill or even do damage to him because this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KM64tIYzu6I was uploaded by EODxChaos but because he thinks he will get banned for uploading it, has removed it. Can you ask him to re-upload it as it is a key part in this ban. From the video we can see not one bullet hits the president and can see that they’re not talking in any form of chat. This leads to my next point This shows that not only was Narcotic bullshitting but why would he ban me if he had no idea his friend died? How would he know it was mass RDM? He also goes to say that I have been “15 minutes before you decided to shoot me and the president, shooting tranquilizing and attacking several civilians who were not involved.” If this is true why didn’t he ban me right then? It is because he is bullshitting again to cover his ass. He might say he was caught up in the RP, well if this is true, this shows that he is not doing his job properly as admin as he is not helping the sever only himself.

Second point:

“We were outside KFC, with the president hostaged in the hummer. We were four men standing and covering the hummer. I leave my post on the left side of the KFC to check on the right flank. When i come back, i see our guy on the left flank has been tranqed, and i see you run up to him and kill him while he is down and tranqed. You then run on the opposite side, and instantly shoot at the hummer, which had the president in it, while me and another guy was still covering the hummer with Narc and the president inside. Now. During all of this, during all of the raid, i never once saw you as the bodyguard. Not once when we entered the Nexus to retrive him or nothing. You just suddently apperaed outside of the Nexus when we were trying to flee, trying to tranq us over and over again. I never saw your job set as "Royal Guard" either.” This a quote from ZedsDead reporting of the situation. He says that he never say during the raid of the Nexus me… I was standing NEXT to the president during the entire fight. If you can find the SRU and the single police officer who was last to die, they can confirm this. So why would he lie? This is a bias and altered evidence. Narcotic has TOLD him to write this so Narcotic does not look bad.

Third Point: This is a quote from the person I tranqed. “I was involved in this, you tranquilized me and I was on the floor. The next thing I see is a citizen run up and I'm sure it was you that started to shoot me. You killed me and I didn't see you as a security guard or as a custom job so we had no idea who you worked for. It just looked like a citizen coming up to my tranquilized body and killing me.”
When I read this, I was utterly appalled on how bad this admin abuse was getting to. We can see this evidence is tampered with. How? Well first off, he says “I see is a citizen run up”. Ok hold up, how on EARTH does he know that I am a citizen? I was wearing a suit, when wearing a suit I could be ANY job. First mistake he made. Second mistake: “Or as a custom job, so we had no idea who you worked for”…. This proves that it was admin rage. From this we can see that first off THEY ALL where TALKING in a private channel of some sort and disusing there life, after dead, which is I remember correctly is meta gaming. Second off he says that I had no Custom job. You can check the logs, before this all started I changed my name to “Royal Guard”(I do have the console I found where I change it : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=180551543 ) . and so this shows that the admin did even bother..

To follow up with this, I posted a ban appeal. I prove that I didn't MASS RDM and no proof is given.

This is what KillJoy says "Appeal denied, user has not presented sufficient evidence to disprove this ban.".What do you want me to prove? Why don't you prove something, prove to me that I DID kill RDM. Show me logs that someone claimed RDM on me, some me someone saying "@GHOSTK1LL3R shot me for no reason". Show me a recording of me MASS RDMing. Show me proof. All you're doing is banning without any justified reason. You wouldn't let someone file a ban request without sufficient proof would you? So I want you to show me your proof of me MASS RDMing then.

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Killjoy - 09-27-2013

A trusted staff member's testimonial is sufficient proof - they have no other motivation to ban people other than punishing for breaking rules.

Your failure to follow Courthouse rules with your appeals demonstrates your blatant disregard to our rules and procedures.

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Temar - 09-27-2013

Quote:. I am able to hit one of the attackers whom was killing a police man with my tranq dart and they get knocked down. So I rush at the player and kill him because if I let him stay down he would only get back up and finish the job and I didn’t have any time to get out my hostage rope.
as a government person, you DO NOT kill people who are down, you should of used cuff/rope to detain them not Murder then, so its RDM

and Yes upload the video, as long as its not tempered with in order to lie, there is no issues and we would like to see it to get a better understanding of what went on

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Narc - 09-27-2013

We have resolved this case, what 2 times now?

Firstly, there has been shots fired at innocent citizen, they have been hit and endangered by you, so has the president in a valid RP matter. As you're a "royal guard", you don't exactly shoot at the vehicle the president is in, do you?

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Temar - 09-27-2013

PM from him
Quote:I would upload the video but I dont have it. EODxChoas has the WHOLE video and you should ask him to reupload it. Also I am not allowed to comment on the thread so can you post for me: "If you 'Trust' your admins why do you have a ADMIN ABUSE section. Also I would of tied him up, but because he was in the middle of the road and there was enemy accross the street, I didnt want to break FearRP. Also you have no evidence that I shot civilians, where as I can link you to admin rage." Thank you.
was wondering why he couldnt post but noticed 60% warning so i asume thats why
i posted this, but you can ask your friend your self to post the video again

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - DoomDude1 - 09-28-2013

I'll just repeat the fact from the thread. "Danger close" is a) a wrong term and b) no sane bodyguard would open fire anywhere NEAR the person they are protecting.

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Stormblessed - 10-01-2013

(09-27-2013, 10:25 AM)GHOSTK1LL3R Wrote: They walk in don’t see me so I rush out but someone out of the elevator takes me out. While this is happening the president is taken hostage by the GO group. As this is going on I wait at spawn for my NLR timer to finish. Once it is over I see the president come out by the garage doors. I follow them and take immediate action.

Not sure if I'm correct, but isn't the continuing a raid after death? Last time I checked this was a rule. (Last time I played was months ago, but I don't see that particular rule currently. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Narc - 10-01-2013

Refrain from posting in the courthouse without involvement with the case.

As I've clarified several times, I'll do it again for the sake of this case.

I have already delivered my full report to the parties reviewing the case and I honestly fail to see how you can keep defending your own case here.

We'll start from an end... again:

At first we moved out of the Nexus with the president and force under clear FearRP, that you also ignored. We ran on to Slums, as we received opposition from the front of the Nexus, we were forced to push back to the bottom of the Slums. This is where you make your first major appearance, you tranquilized after and hit one of the people down there, in the process, you and you companions managed to also shoot at people who had strictly no involvement, without being in your line of fire. After you started pulling back, and the SRU ran upwards, we advanced to the other side of the Slums where the offices are located, we again took fire from you and your tranquilizer. After we cleared our flanks and opposing force and fire in front of us, we advanced to go out of the city to proceed to our compound, though we had an unbreachable roadblock in our way. We parked up to attempted to dodge the fire, here you were also involved. On an open street with a lot of civilians and uninvolved individuals as a "Royal Guard" also to be considered an individual who has a contract with a V.I.P to protect him, not to advance and launch several attacks on civilians without a sufficient reason. As we saw an opportunity to move our vehicle up to KFC, we did. We prepared to move and covered fire for a while, you tranquilized a person, ran straight up to him as he was unable to fight, not in a rush of combat and you shot him right dead immediately.
As I sat in the vehicle with the president, you directly approached the vehicle and jammed several mags at it, causing myself to die, but you also realisticly and RP wise brought the president in danger, we had him under clear fearRP and you chose to directly approach the vehicle in which he was kept in combat, while you were supposed to protect, not to neutralize.

I hope that sums it up again.

RE: Corrupted, so corrupted.... - Killjoy - 10-02-2013

Reviewed (again), bans will stand, no abuse noted.