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The Fall of Vault 107: 'Evo.' (Vault RP on event server) - Printable Version

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The Fall of Vault 107: 'Evo.' (Vault RP on event server) - odannyboy - 07-31-2013


I'd like to say a huge thanks to Termin for making this happen. Today, at the idea of Scone, we organised a Vault RP in the labs of Evo. So, we organised this on the event server. I was appointed as the Overseer of the vault, so I had to sort out everyone's roles on the server. The ending had to be rushed too, because Termin had to leave at a certain point.


This took quite the while, I'd ask a preference of everyone in a single-file line, I'd have security, the three schools of science, my advisors, the Tunnel Snakes (Yes, the Tunnel Snakes) and those with misc. jobs such as the Quartermaster and chef. After like, an hour or so, it was all sorted. We were ported to the vault, and so began the construction.

For quite a while, everyone built up their rooms and corridors in the vault. Obviously, the Tunnel Snakes had their corridors messy. The Overseer's office was with his most trusted advisors. To commence the roleplay, I held an introductory speech of the vault.

Chapter One

"Citizens, of Evo-City. I was your President, Daniel Boyd. The year is 2077, Nuclear Warheads have struck at many cities and countries, wiping them out. To counter this, I sank most of Evo-City's money into purchasing and constructing a vault, for us to survive in, and leave the old era. I am the salvation that will guide us to a New Era! To guide us with knowledge and advancement, we have our three schools of science. Engineering, Medicine and Research. We have those who will keep order within the vault, and keep us unified as one: The Vault Security. With me, are my two advisors, we will make up the political government of what we call, Vault 'Evo', issued as Vault 107. We will survive, we will prosper. Weapons, will not be issued to any citizen, only the security force.

To do that, we must rid ourselves of the embodiment of greed itself, the very thing that is in the box I'm stood on. Money. Not just any money. All the money Evo-City had left over, after supplies. Mr.Chip, you know what to do."

At that point, a molotov was thrown to the money, and the speech was ended. All citizens moved to their quarters for the RP to begin. I'll tell you like, the RP's I was in, which was the all the main plot line roleplays (As I planned out the ending and stuff).

At the end of the speech, several miscreants screamed out "Tunnel Snakes Rule!" The Overseer (Me) ignored it, and assumed it was simply the process of adjustment to a new home. So, life in the vault begins, I take my tour around the vault. During this, I'm stopped many times (My god, I had to speak to so many people at once, it drove my crazy) to talk to citizens, about certain matters. One of them, was that the Quartermaster was suspected of dealing with Tunnel Snakes, providing them with weapons. This was investigated by my men, but to no avail.

Chapter Two

I reached the Medical Science Facilities, and upon leaving, I was stopped by a man, known by my security force, as insane. He rambled on about how he felt sick after eating his food, and thought the chef must be giving us food poisoning. Of course, with the Vault's Anti-Bacterial System, I thought this to be some sort of placebo effect, and took my leave. While it was suggested, I didn't have him detained, he wasn't a danger to the Vault.

Vault life continued as normal, and the first day of the New Era passed. Everyone was busy with RP, I was busy with a thousand fucking different pms/meetings/ooc chats. (At this point, Termin told me he had to go in like an hour or so, so he asked for an ending, I thought one up, and told him it, and told influential characters what they were to do)

Chapter Three

As life continued, the insane man never did stop, and did grow ill, he began doing strange things around the vault. All the while, the Tunnel Snakes were causing more and more trouble for the vault and its denizens. When the night curfew began, the routine lockdown was put in place, and while I was with my security in the Vault door lobby, a hellish creature dashed at one of the officers, it was spider-like, maybe crab-like. The security force took it down, and the noise, with our officer's distracted had the rebels and my advisors notice what was happening, as well as the head of research. Another one of these creatures came, without anyone seeing, but this time it was stunned, knocked unconscious. The Head of Research decided to keep it contained at their labs, to study. In shock, I ran back to my office, and gave out my routine PSA broadcast. I kept the citizens in the dark, as best as I could, from what happened, even though I stuttered like a maniac on the broadcast.

Attacks became more frequent, more and more citizens bore witness to what were known as "Headcrabs". A particular attack, with multiple headcrabs and some kind of larger headcrab, had caused the death of a vault denizen, with only the flayed flesh and meat of his legs left in the lobby. Lockdowns were issued, and patrolling made more frequent. The vault's chef was found dead, either due to infection, or crab attacks based on the reports. Eventually, it was reported to me that one of the Tunnel Snakes wanted to break the Research Facility's headcrab out. Soon, the death toll grew to four, scientists working with new issues had died. Amidst the coming chaos, we never knew if it was due to the Tunnel Snakes and the captive Headcrab that caused these new deaths. At this point, I could no longer keep the citizens ignorant

Chapter Four

"Citizens, this is your Overseer, Daniel Boyd, with a public service announcement: As you may already have heard, bullets have been shot, creatures have been found. Four of our own have died. I'm issuing a new order, those working in the science facilities now have access to weapons and munitions by the quarter master. F-fear not citizens. We, as the survivors of the Old Era, will survive once again"

I made a speech about getting through this, and was left to my office was only one of my advisors, while my other was out doing errands. With the Tunnel Snakes and the Headcrabs, things became hard, no news was received from research for a time. Until, my advisor came back with the Head of Research, he began telling me that the current headcrabs were only minions, lesser mutants, paling in comparison of what's to come, I made my way to the Research Facility with him, however, another attack happened. This time, headcrabs, attached to what appeared to be homosapians attacked us. Being much stronger, it took a long time to quell. I ran back to my safely secured office (It had the vault standard doors, and a barrier door as defense) in a panic.

Chapter Five

Of course, more people died, (Once you died in this RP, you couldn't come back) due to the Headcrabs. However, obscure radio transmissions came in from my head of security, he screamed something illegible, and only a gunshot was heard, and his signal went dark. I was unsure of what to think, was he hit by crossfire? Only security and scientists had weapons, so it had to be crossfire.

The headcrab wave never stopped, only shortened for a small amount of time. Only a small number of my security force remained, and our numbers were dropped to nine left. A radio advertisement was made, it was my advisor, the one who left my office for a time. He was seeking to oust me, he worked with the Tunnel Snakes in spite of the deaths that occurred, that he saw to be my fault. I tried to broadcast my innocence, and ordered security to make their way to my office.

Chapter Six

The Advisor and the Tunnel Snakes reached me first. They revealed to me that they have been killing my security force in the midst of the attack. Luckily, my security force reached my office, and pointed their weapons at the new faction. They left, I didn't seek more deaths, so I had them let go.
My own advisor betrayed me and Vault 107 was in threat of being overrun.

With the ending needing to happen, I made some final arrangements.

Chapter Seven

The last and biggest wave began. The Overseer had locked himself in his office, while citizens were escorted to the jail cell, for their safety, and the last of security held back the greatest mutants to come, those known as Antlions and black, slender Headcrabs. The Overseer made a broadcast, but began to scream in the intercom. The remaining security tried to break into his office, but it appeared to be "glued" shut, the keypad wasn't working. After a silence, the Overseer returned to his broadcast, sounding surprisingly calm, letting everyone know, that Vault 107 would be fine, although the mutants were hard at work to break down the vault door fully.

The Overseer, apparently fine, opened the door to his quarters, even though mutants were in abundance at the entrance, and the security force and Tunnel Snakes were in combat. He walked right past all the security force, and all of the mutants, simply ignoring their attacks. He began to access the vault's lobby console, and he made his final broadcast, promising peace and salvation.


A sequence of high pitched console noises echoed through the hallways, and suddenly, mutants of all kinds poured in from the masses, into Vault 107. All the denizens were attacked, and eventually killed. As the citizens were massacred, among the last moments of some, the Overseer was seen, was Headcrab limbs impaled through his skull and spine.

------------------THE END-------------

This was honestly the best RP I've done in such a long time, everyone played a part and it worked out so well. Everything I said in that story actually happened, and it was a great RP, it lasted for quite the while.

Thank you to Termin, and everyone else who played on that event server, it was such good fun.

RE: The Fall of Vault 107: 'Evo.' (Vault RP on event server) - ArcHammer - 08-01-2013

Duplicate? :p

RE: The Fall of Vault 107: 'Evo.' (Vault RP on event server) - Ludo - 08-03-2013

Wow it was quite the story, I really enjoyed it Smile