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[CLOSED] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - Printable Version

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[CLOSED] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - Futilelamb - 07-16-2013


The Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) is an organized Militia group comprised of several generals which include Prince Kassad, Dr.Thrax, and Rodhall "Demo" Juhziz.
The G.L.A. was created to Liberate its country from western oppression, after witch they spread to neighboring lands and liberating them as well. Though still in conflict with several powerful countries, the G.L.A. have branched out overseas to other countries seeking more control and overall support against the enemy. Before long the G.L.A. where stretched thin around the globe causing breakouts of skirmishes and revolutions in many small countries. Recently they have sprouted up near Evo city with the same intention of liberating its people of what they see as an unfit government. However, due the G.L.A. being so spread out, the recruitment of 3 new generals has been made within the ranks. These generals include general Sotravits, Winters, and Winchester. The full support of the original 3 generals are shown with monthly supply shipments of warheads, weapons, food, gear, and chemicals.

The G.L.A. are comprised of 3 main specialties explosive, stealth, and chemical warfare. With this in mind they are known to have large amounts of Scud missiles, high explosives and anthrax. Though rarely used, the G.L.A. use these tools in an extreme movement to dismember the current government. They usually rely on their stealth tactics to get things done. But they are no stranger to resorting to extreme measures rather quickly. However coming from the poor desolate lands that they arose from, they rely heavily on financial support from allies, paid contracts, or donations from others who wish to see the current government overthrown. In addition, the G.L.A. will not leave after the government has been overthrown. They will retreat outside the city and commence with other matters,
but always keeping an eye whenever the government begins to be corrupt so they may step in and correct it.

The G.L.A. have a common misconception that they are evil. Though it may seem so, their interest lies within the people. They only wish to free them of a corrupt leadership, although the G.L.A. will not hesitate to show action against anyone else who stands against them as well as disrespectful citizens. They G.L.A. have good intentions toward the common interest of the city and will go to extreme lengths to try to solidify the stability of the city.

What We Do:

* Organize peaceful and aggressive protests
* Threaten a missile strike or chemical blast on the city (vary rarely)(and when server rules enable us)
* Raid the government or another apposing group (after server rules enables us to)
* Counterfeit money and underground drug sales
* Stealth operations
* Construction and advancement of current technology
* Opening our own territory where citizens can live free of the government (occasionally)
* Meet with other groups/organizations
* we also will do requested rp's both passive and aggressive. (if someone is doing an rp and needs people like us we will love to help out)
* we accept paid contracts to find/protect someone, or to aid someone in other matters. depending on the price.(on the side, we are not a PMC.)
- These are our main things we do all though there are many others that are done behind the walls of our territory.


(when we are dong G.L.A. in game your Clan and Job should be "G.L.A. _your rank" )

Tier 3

G.L.A. General



Black shadow

Tier 2




Tier 1

Freedom fighter




Rank Description:

(in order to be fair every new member must start out at the bottom, no matter what your previous experience.)
(positive actions will get you promoted, negative actions will get you demoted)

The highest ranks in the G.L.A. (not obtainable by members). everyone in the clan must respect and listen to those in the rank.

Most trusted members of the G.L.A. put in charge of commanding large concentrations of G.L.A forces.
Commands all ranks under it. (Highest obtainable rank for members)

Black Shadow
The generals highly trusted fighters and body guards, Trained in covert operations.
commands all ranks under it.

Trusted members of the G.L.A. put in charge of commanding small squads.
Commands all ranks under it.

Trusted member of the G.L.A. responsible for relaying information to the Operator of occurrences on the battlefield.
Commands all ranks under it.

Newly trusted member of the G.L.A. not much authority.
Commands all ranks under it.

Freedom Fighter
Newly trusted member of the G.L.A. experienced foot soldier
No authority over anyone.

Not so trusted member of the G.L.A. needs to prove ones self to gain respect.
No authority over anyone.

Not so trusted completely new member to the G.L.A. (the grunt)
No authority over anyone.


(you can keep track of your commendations with your member profile that will be created upon joining)

Your on your way[Image: 2wgxeuh.png]
awarded to a member who has entered Tier 2 ranks.

Under my wing[Image: 29zactj.png]
awarded to a member who has saved another member in combat, or an intense situation.

To the death[Image: 2czx10p.png]
awarded to a member who was part of an intimidation period against another group or the government.

They just keep coming![Image: 10d9m34.png]
awarded to a member that has participated in 100 offensive procedures.

there's no I in team[Image: egpvfl.png]
awarded to a member who participated in 10 offensive procedures.

Shield over the sword[Image: 15qyjie.png]
awarded to a member who suggested a passive way to resolve the conflict at hand.

Monkey see monkey do[Image: rkyicx.png]
awarded a member who corrects another member when they commit a rule infraction for a General.

Master defense[Image: 5pj3gx.png]
awarded to a member who participated in 100 defensive procedures.

Better luck next time[Image: 5k23w2.png]
awarded to a member who participated in 5 defensive procedures.

Machines of war[Image: scddoj.png]
awarded to a member who has constructed something of use for the G.L.A.

I warned you[Image: 2rcyf75.png]
awarded to a member who participated in a successful (end game) missile or chemical strike on the city.

Global liberation[Image: avqyoi.png]
awarded to a member who participated in achieving diplomatic immunity for the G.L.A.

Enter the dragon[Image: 2wqwe40.png]
awarded to a member who has entered Tier 3 ranks

And so it was written[Image: 153use9.png]
awarded to a member who has been with the G.L.A. before it was official.

All is fair in love and war[Image: vxffax.png]
awarded to a member who has retrieved a vital piece of information on another group or government.

Member profiles:

Spoiler :
-G.L.A. Rank: General
-G.L.A. Specialization: builder
-In game name: Kenny Sotravits
-Status: Donator
-Quote: "Nothings impossible"
[Image: 153use9.png][Image: scddoj.png]

-G.L.A. Rank: General
-G.L.A. Specialization: military expert
-In game name: Matt Winters
-Status: Donator
-Quote: "Don't fire unless fired upon"
[Image: 153use9.png][Image: scddoj.png]
-G.L.A. Rank: General
-G.L.A. Specialization: Arbiter
-In game name: Bailey Winchester
-Status: Donator
-Quote: "you call it overkill, i call it double-tap"
[Image: 153use9.png][Image: 2nw0js8.png]
-G.L.A. Rank: Recruit
-G.L.A. Specialization: Unknown
-In game name: Ryan Alpert
-Status: Donater
-Quote: " unknown "
-Date joined:7/17/13
-G.L.A. Rank: Recruit
-G.L.A. Specialization: Unknown
-In game name: Matthew Brody
-Status: Standard
-Quote: "Unknown"
-Date joined: 7/21/13
-G.L.A. Rank: Recruit
-G.L.A. Specialization: Unknown
-In game name: Jesse Martinez
-Status: Donater
-Quote: "I'll be back!"
-Date joined: 7/21/13
[Image: 108h6p5.png]
-G.L.A. Rank: Recruit
-G.L.A. Specialization: Unknown
-In game name: Corvo Attano
-Status: Standerd
-Quote: "Lets talk"
-Date joined: 7/21/13

What we expect of our members:

*CHECK THE FORUM (at least once a day to stay on top of updates and other important announcements.)
*ALWAYS FOLLOW SERVER RULES (we will not have anyone slandering the G.L.A. name by braking server rules.)
*ALWAYS RESPECT OTHER MEMBERS (don't disrespect other members or people. we are not bullies, or thugs.)
*REMAIN LOYAL (as long as you are a G.L.A. member you will assist our cause and not steal from us.)
*DO NOT DISOBEY A SUPERIOR (they worked trough the ranks, they will not be disrespected by someone who has less experience)
*HAVE A GOOD TIME (we rp a Militia group. but that doesn't mean we are all deby downers)
*DO NOT RP THE G.L.A. WITHOUT MY CONSENT. (doing so will result in severe penalties, and even removal from the clan)
*WE WILL NOT HAVE A MEMBER SLANDER OUR NAME (we are already under heavy eyes for being a mostly aggressive clan, having a member slander our
name on top of that will not be tolerated and will result in being demoted back to Tier 1, or being completely removed from the G.L.A. forces. Permanently. )


(want to be an Ally? arrange a meeting with us in the server(v2d)


(if members of a group partake in any sort of hostile actions toward the G.L.A. they will be formally labeled as enemies.)

Want to join?:

(your application will be looked at by high ranking members of the G.L.A., our current policy states you can not be with any other clan to join. we will work efficiently to get back to you with our final decision, if you are not accepted you must wait at least 1 week to reapply(assuming you gained more experience in that time) good luck.)

use this format for your application.
Steam name:

Steam ID:


RP points:

Time on server:


In game name:

Tell us about yourself(IC):

A Quote you would say(can be anything):

What can you offer the G.L.A.:

Please answer these 5 questions-
1-how would you resolve a conflict of interest between another group?
2-do you prefer passive rp, or aggressive rp?
3-what is the highest achievable rank in the G.L.A.?
4-What do you think of the G.L.A.?
5-The G.L.A. are a derivative from what game?

(note of credit: the banner at the top was no made by us. it is a re textured version of the GLA emblem that was made by an amazing artist, all credit goes to them.)
(note of credit: the pictures used for the commendations are taken from cnc generals. the game with witch GLA came from. the names of these commendations as well as the description are original. all credit goes to the company who made cnc generals for the images.)

RE: [Unofficial] Global Libertaion Army (G.L.A.) - Preditor - 07-16-2013

Finally put the clan on the forum! Good job Cheese

RE: [Unofficial] Global Libertaion Army (G.L.A.) - Enzyme - 07-16-2013

Looks good, seen you guys several times on the servers, but is it me or do you have a spelling error in your title?
"Global Libertaion Army". Do you mean "Liberation"? Smile

lib·er·a·tion : a movement seeking equal rights and status for a group <women's liberation>

RE: [Unofficial] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - Futilelamb - 07-16-2013

(07-16-2013, 10:46 PM)Doctor_Enzyme Wrote: Looks good, seen you guys several times on the servers, but is it me or do you have a spelling error in your title?
"Global Libertaion Army". Do you mean "Liberation"? Smile

lib·er·a·tion : a movement seeking equal rights and status for a group <women's liberation>

Thanks, and yeah i cant believe i didn't see that, i was proof reading my post several times to avoid any mistakes and there was one staring me blank in the face haha

RE: [Unofficial] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - cnr - 07-16-2013

Had a lot of fun rping with you as GLA. I would apply but I'm applied for fumuku. Good luck with the clan!

RE: [Unofficial] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - Futilelamb - 07-16-2013

(07-16-2013, 11:12 PM)Spyderr Wrote: Had a lot of fun rping with you as GLA. I would apply but I'm applied for fumuku. Good luck with the clan!

thanks man, good luck and if things don't work out at Fumuku your always welcome here.

RE: [Unofficial] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - Yankee - 07-17-2013

Steam name: ¥aŋkee

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43482681

Timezone: EST.

RP points: 2

Time on server: 97

Bans: 1

In game name: Ryan Alpert

Tell us about yourself(IC): My name is Ryan Alpert, I was born in a suburb a bit away called Hartford. I grew up with my mother and father, only child. My father was big on hunting, which ended up rubbing off on me as well. I am experienced with many type of weapons because of this. Also, back when I lived in Hartford, I worked for a security company called "Summit Security". We mostly guarded businesses such schools, or office buildings. I moved here to EvoCity a few years ago, I am now 36.

Please answer these 5 questions-
1-how would you resolve a conflict of interest between another group?: It depends on what the conflict is, certain conflicts may need a peaceful agreement, or an aggressive attack.
2-do you prefer passive rp, or aggressive rp?: I think I enjoy PassiveRP a bit more since I feel like it always seems more realistic and the RP is better quality. However, if AggressiveRP is planned out correctly, it can be very fun as well.
3-what is the highest achievable rank in the G.L.A.?: Commander.
4-What do you think of the G.L.A.?: I think that the G.L.A sounds like a clan that can turn out to be very fun and give out great RP experiences. It seems like an overall good idea!
5-The G.L.A. are a derivative from what game?: Command & Conquer.

RE: [Unofficial] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - ArcHammer - 07-17-2013

Nice clan page. Good luck with it!

RE: [Unofficial] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - Joykill - 07-17-2013

Gotta love the Command & Conquer references.
Good luck with your clan.

RE: [Unofficial] Global Liberation Army (G.L.A.) - Futilelamb - 07-17-2013

(07-17-2013, 02:15 AM)Jonas Wrote: Gotta love the Command & Conquer references.
Good luck with your clan.

thanks, i love that game

(07-17-2013, 02:12 AM)ArcHammer Wrote: Nice clan page. Good luck with it!
