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Ban request- Minimacfox - Printable Version

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Ban request- Minimacfox - bba - 06-11-2011

Player name: Minimaxfox

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40953131

Time in GMT: around 12:25s - 12:35 (AM)

Summary: This guy was getting arrested by me, I handcuffed him and he just ran away sprinting. I tazed him and as soon as he got up, a friend of him just came and killed me. Then I went to tides hotel (about 10min later) and me an a SS were arresting Minimax since he had printers. so he simply decided to pull out his tranq gun and tranquilize the SS (failRP'ing) And I killed minimacfox, as he was running away. about 1 min later he was back on tides hotel... breaking nlr. I have no evidence but the witnesses. The SS that was "rdmed" is [FL:RP]TheBlackShadowOfGod. in resume: he Randomly tranq, failrp'ed and broke nlr... Thank you for reading this

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Minimacfox - 06-11-2011

Lier.. I was only on Tides hotel 1 time! Also it was my friend with the printers, I would like to see a good proof about me failing! I pulled out my tranq gun when I was behind a door and you opened the door starts shooting inside. It's allowed to pull out a weapon agains't the police what did you think? Also 75% that you just said was all a lie! Else you just don't understand the situation going on.

Kindly Regards, Bruce Dawson

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Satisfaction - 06-11-2011

I saw some randomly tranqs from him -.-'
And kirby (the friend) was realy failing
Randomly punchwhoring and jumping on tranqed/tazed people :S

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Timanator - 06-11-2011

I have been getting other people telling me you have been failing/minging too, however as of yet no-one has actually provided any solid evidence...

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Theblackshadowofgod - 06-11-2011

(06-11-2011, 11:47 AM)Minimacfox Wrote: Lier.. I was only on Tides hotel 1 time! Also it was my friend with the printers, I would like to see a good proof about me failing! I pulled out my tranq gun when I was behind a door and you opened the door starts shooting inside. It's allowed to pull out a weapon agains't the police what did you think? Also 75% that you just said was all a lie! Else you just don't understand the situation going on.

First of all. You pulled out a tranq and tranqed me when I had you under gunpoint as SS, because you had an arrest warrant.

Also, you broke NLR several times, I have enough people that can proof that.
And no, I don't have screenshots/movies. Which is prob. not enouh too get you banned. If not, seriously: Stop FailRP'ing. I will get you one day.

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Biowulf - 06-11-2011

Yea, running around with a tranq and tazing my friend and stuff.
Also that so called "Kirby <;)" Was asking to get killed by him, since he was tied up. Mini comes with his TidesTruck (Correct me if i'm wrong) And races over him.
Also I have no evidence.

Im gonna record every shitty thing he does from now on. Got my fraps open.

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Timanator - 06-11-2011

Ban request accepted: Everyone is saying your minging Minimacfox, and frankly that sort of thing doesn't happen unless you broke the rules.

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Killjoy - 06-11-2011

Unbanned - no evidence.

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - bba - 06-11-2011

(06-11-2011, 01:44 PM)killjoy Wrote: Unbanned - no evidence.

Great so this is the way you punish people that break rules? He didn't break only one, he broke 3 rules: RDM; NLR; and he FailRP

still he is not banned?

RE: Ban request- Minimacfox - Ruxandra - 06-11-2011

I have some things to add here too. Two days ago I raided his base at the Bar in the Woods and after ~2 minutes he came back and started insulting me with his skiddy voice. I ignored it since there wasn't a proper way to get evidence for a case.

He continued today by Tranq-ing someone inside the bank. A police officer pulled out his weapon, got inside and threatened him to freeze. He then started yelling something incomprehensable over the microphone and instantly pulled out a shotgun and started shooting. The first shot missed and hit me while I was outside and enjoying the fight.

I equipped a crowbar and got inside and splattered his brains over the walls, making him continue his rage over the microphone. The cop shot me and I died but that doesn't matter. I was a dangerous suspect who just commited murder.

Overall I have never ever withnessed him doing any kind of decent RP neither something constructive to the server.

I understand the administrators wish to reach an impartial decision but without proof it's hard to reach a decision. I will personally do my best to record any wrong doing he will make in the future. Of course if the impossible happens and he changes to a proper player, we'll all be happy.