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BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Printable Version

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BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Nathan - 04-29-2013

Name of player:
[FL:RP] byQun
[FL:RP] SamuelFTW

[FL:RP] byQun STEAM_0:1:29168554
[FL:RP] SamuelFTW STEAM_0:0:45455941
Time in GMT:
24th of April, 20:35
byQun and SamuelFTW run up to my office and break in and then demand me to step down from being president when i refuse byQun and SamuelFTW shoot me with a shot gun and byQun says "Not even going to listen to that bullshit story.",

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Aing - 04-29-2013

I love how you left out the first part and muted your microphone on fraps whilest insulting and swearing at us in-game.

I think you misunderstood the situation and it was hard me to explain because I couldn't use the microphone at that time.

A reason was not even provided by us at that time due to the situation passing very fast; when byQun said "We would like you to step down from the President spot." that was not the reason but that was what we wanted as a result from our raid.

Our reason was quite clear and I was about to explain before byQun shot you. You did not create or broadcast any laws for citizens to follow which in turn lead to several events on my behalf but instead you broadcasted the line "Buying health kits" several times using "/broadcast". Many users had told me that they weren't happy with you for completely not doing your job and they too had also experienced events similar to mine.

I agree that we may the raid may have ended too soon before me explaining however as I know from the past all you do is constantly insult, swear and argue with me getting to no result what-so-ever for example; when I took a picture of your house.

I also must remind you that you raided me the day afterwards with the reason of 'You raided me yesterday' and also when we came into the room, you didn't get off that lovely chair there for a few minutes even when we had guns pointed at you.
I guess this ban request is not about you though.

I will not respond to you if you are anyway aggressive, insulting or rude to me or byQun as I want an actual conclusion from this rather than just a 30 page long thread that gets us no where.

Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you however my intentions were good; not only for me but for the other players on the server too.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Nathan - 04-30-2013

I did not swear and shout at you, I was also not aggressive or insulting, so you have any proof of this? Also on bandicam it does not record your own mic if you can tell me how to turn that on I will, also I did not stay in the chair for a good few minutes I got out of the chair about 8 seconds after you entered my office and demanded for me to stand up. The reason the laws were not broadcasted as much as I would have like to was due to the fact people kept raiding me every 3 minutes so I was a bit busy trying not to die, also I now realise I shouldn't of broadcasted buying health kits, but I should of put an advert out. But at the time it was urgent because the server had just been DDoS'ed and I only had 1 SS left and he was a bit injured so I needed to get him to full health before people like you raided me. But just before you came up to my office he disconnected. Also the raid you are on about I came up during the raid and found SS and civilians working together to raid the president I came into the room and then talked to you for a bit and then my friend got a bit bored and killing you. But until a evidence and a Ban Request is posted I will not go into any more detail.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Aing - 04-30-2013

Both of us here know that if we were having this conversation within the game you would be very insulting to me. I'm not/cannot post evidence because this ban request is not about you and is about what me and byQun may have done wrong; however I still think you are overly aggressive with other players, including myself which you clearly hate.

I apologise for bring any later incidents up as it is not relevent to the current situation.

I don't understand. How was I meant to know you were raided every 3 minutes? I had literally no prior knowledge to any other raids before doing this. I still don't understand why the laws were not posted even between raids as you clearly survived for long enough to stop and type a broadcast as you could clearly have the time to post "Buying health kits."

As well as this, if you were raided every 3 minutes they must have had a reason too, right?
What made their raid acceptable but not ours?
Why would them raiding unsuccessfully prevent from us raiding in the future?

Correct me if I am wrong but you started screaming "random raid" even before a reason had been provided. Also, I can't help feel that you only posted this ban request due to me posting several successful ban requests on you recently and you feel you needed to 'get me back'.

I would like to know if and why you still think this raid was random beyond this post as I am not really understanding why as you did not explain why my reason was random but only what you didn't do wrong.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Nathan - 04-30-2013

Bandicam was playing up and I was unable to record the other raids but I had good protection at them points from HR but I was still unsure if I would survive so my mind was on other things but when I was asked to through OOC, don't think of yourself so highly I am posting this ban request because I caught 2 people breaking the rules and I wish to get the admins attention to it because recently there has been too many people breaking the rules. But since this date I feel that I have become a better president I broadcast laws often and I interact with users on the server.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Aing - 04-30-2013

I am glad to hear that but...

You didn't really answer my question. I asked why you still thought the raid was random after my explaination.

Also, I am not considering myself 'highly' at all. I was just wondering why it took you just under a week to post this ban request, if you would have posted it sooner I would have had videos to prove from my point of view, however I delete videos after a certain period of time when I find them not be useful anymore. Whether the reason be that you're trying to get me back or you're trying to hinder me I would still like my questions to be answered if we want a conclusion from this. If you could answer the questions I have highlighted in bold above then that would be good.

I'm glad to hear that you've improved your roleplaying skills and I wish you good luck in the future of playing on FearlessRP.

In your next reply I am requesting for you to:
  • Answer my questions highlighted within the bold in the several posts above.
  • Explain why you still think we broke the rules even after me explaining the situation to you.

Without doing this I have no extra or added information to give you.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Nathan - 04-30-2013

The reason it took so long to open a ban request was because I have very slow internet and the other day was the most recent time my internet was working fast enough to upload a video to youtube. Also I still fell it was against the rules because I was attempting to do my job to the highest standard I could, but people where stopping me from doing this, so you raid me and then don't even listen to my explanation and don't talk to me properly about the situation you just demand me to step down and kill me.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Aing - 04-30-2013

So, we're not allowed to raid you because you were trying hard...

I still don't understand why you weren't able to do your job. I know I keep going on about this but you'd broadcasted the line "Buying health kits" multiple times which means you were perfectly able to have broadcasted laws between each time you posted it.

Many people had told me that you had made no attempt to broadcast laws and they had also explained how they had asked multiple times for you to do your job.

However, I do agree with you that the raid ended too soon without full explanation and I would have done it differently but it is hard to explain when you have a guy screaming down the microphone the words "Random Raid", curses and similar obligations of rule breaking. If I had use of my microphone at the time then I would have explained with you and tried to combat the situation in a passive manor.

Although, even after the raid you did not try to get a reason for raiding me. You came up to me by the unemployed spawn and started yelling how a ban request would have been posted that night and you were most certainly going to post a ban request. This is why I was wondering if the ban request was posted for other reasons. However, I understand if your internet was slow as we all have times such as them.

I'm sure that you understand how important broadcasting the laws is now and would do a better job in future.
I also hope you understand that me and byQun have had a conversation about this situation and we have decided that we could have done the roleplay better, considering we should both know what to do right and wrong in those situations.

I also must re-inform you that neither me or byQun had no prior knowledge of any previous raids whether they be successful or not. Due to this I had no information about why you may not have been able to do your job within the past.

I hope you have a better understanding of our situation and why we did what we did. If you have any further questions I will be happy to answer them but from where I am sitting I am happy for an admin to now decide on the ban request's result.

As a last comment on this ban request I would like to ask if we could put all prior situations behind us after the admin has made their decision on this request. I know how annoying and cocky I can be and I feel like we made a bad start. Atleast any harsh words, comments or actions I have said to you or your friends I am sorry about and I hope that you feel the same way about your actions as well.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Nathan - 04-30-2013

Maybe some people did ask me to broadcast the laws but I can assure you I would have too busy to read them, but when I did notice someone asking for the laws they were boradcasted. Also I was waiting for everyone to rejoin the server after the ddos to continue on with the RP as I thought with 6 people on the server they would be able to wait a few minutes until everyone got back on. So at the time of the raid I feel it was random because no explanation was given to me before, during or even after, you still have the obligation, even after killing me to inform me of the reason for the raid. I feel there is never a good enough reason to raid the president. If I am unhappy with a president I would ask for a meeting with him so I am able to discuss my issues that I have with him but I would not run to his office with a mate with a shotgun drawn and then kill him before I was are able to have a civilised talk. I feel that you went the wrong way around this situation and you should have some form of ban just like any other player which breaks or ruins RP's for other users on the server.

RE: BR on SamuelFTW and byQun - Aing - 04-30-2013

(04-30-2013, 10:17 PM)Nathan Wrote: If I am unhappy with a president I would ask for a meeting with him

We both know for a fact you don't do this...

The day after this event you raided me for being democratic and for "raiding me yesterday" without no meeting or even any /requests to warn me. I don't think you are the one to tell me how I can improve on this as you raided me without a meeting the day after.

As for the DDos situation, if I remember rightly only around 5 people left and they all rejoined again anyway. I raided a while after this DDos so you would have had plenty of time to post the laws and do your job. There was not 6 people on the server, at all; although I can understand why you may have waited a few minutes to broadcast but even after a long period of time there was no attempt to broadcast the laws or do your job what-so-ever.

In my opinion I may have handled the situation badly but I did not break any rules. I had a valid reason which even you can admit to me having. This is not even a case of me ruining roleplay as you clearly weren't roleplaying or doing anything for that matter.

Also, how would you have been too busy to read them? Your job as the President is to do a minimum of 2 things: Broadcast laws and do warrants. As far as I know you weren't doing one of these things and I'd heard you weren't doing the other either. I don't know what was taking up so much of your time that you couldn't have even done the basic steps to be a President.

I also can't help but notice you're just ignoring what I'm putting and just putting something completely irrelevent. I am trying to reconcile with you and yet you don't seem to even try to do that in any way shape or form. A simple 'No thanks' wouldn't have bothered me as atleast you'd considered my attempt to reconcile.

I am getting bored of this now. Unless you have some new evidence, argument or question there is literally no point of responding as it's just leading no where like all arguments do with you.