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[Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories [Recruiting] - Printable Version

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[Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories [Recruiting] - thefyrewire - 05-26-2013


Welcome to Aperture Laboratories.

Together, we can work for a better, brighter future. Join us as we venture into tomorrow's world. Aperture's world.

What is Aperture Laboratories all about? We are an investment. An investment to the key- to the future. We are at the forefront of research in robot mechanics, science and technology. Only through vigorous testing and consequent revisions, can we build tomorrow's future. We at Aperture truly value every employee and test participant, believing the ideal system is constituted by a variety of input from every person here.

[Image: Members-CEOBanner-01_zps19f98ee6.png]
[FL:RP] Cave Johnson (STEAM_0:1:62445445)

[Image: Members-Co-FoundersBanner-01_zps9fa8214b.png]
Frenchy (STEAM_0:0:41297976)
[FL:RP]Just A Bit Noobish (STEAM_0:1:48298952)

[Image: Members-VIPsBanner-01_zps55f8e002.png]
[FL:RP]Shadowmoder (STEAM_0:0:49461062)
Space (Awaiting)
FlammableHashtag (STEAM_0:0:40411822)

[Image: Members-ComplexInternalBanner02-01_zpsf9781215.png]

[Image: Members-ScienceBanner-01_zpsf385d265.png]
Head Scientist
Aperture [H-S]
2/2 vacancies available.
This position cannot be applied for. It may be earned through promotion.
Head scientists overview, plan and devise experiments for scientific research. Although they regularly present their ideas and findings to the CEO, they are largely given free reign over the department and what they choose to investigate. Head scientists know their field and are able to make the best decisions for Aperture.

Aperture [S]
2/4 vacancies available.
Super Spy Raptor [Back_Stab] (STEAM_0:0:33137169 | 26/05/13)
Mr.Trouserless (STEAM_0:1:52598101 | 05/06/13)
Scientists follow the lead of their respective heads, and carry out the according plans. Under the supervision and guidance of their superiors, they experiment and research with new technologies. They usually work extensively with engineers to construct the devices and contraptions themselves.

[Image: Members-EngineeringBanner-01_zpsb66ebddc.png]
Head Engineer
Aperture [H-E]
2/2 vacancies available.
This position cannot be applied for. It may be earned through promotion.
Head engineers oversee all construction projects in and around the facility. They are experienced and know what they are doing. Head engineers are able to visualise the mechanics of a construction and are level-headed. They always put safety before science to prevent injury and accidents.

Aperture [E]
3/4 vacancies available.
Nicegirlz^_^ (STEAM_0:0:35037504 | 31/05/13)
Engineers work with their heads, both mentally and physically, to build and manage Aperture facilities. They are responsible for the expansion of the Aperture's Evocity base. Their ideas are just as important as their superiors', and are always taken into consideration. By cooperating with their fellow scientists, engineers turn ideas into reality.

[Image: Members-OfficeBanner-01_zpsea6e5cec.png]
Office Workers
Aperture [O]
6/6 vacancies available.
Office workers keep Aperture organised and running, whether they are the accountants managing the facility's finance, secretaries efficiently answering calls and creating appointments with the CEO, lawyers fighting legal battles for Aperture, or even advisers looking ahead and consulting with the CEO for the best next move.

[Image: Members-SecurityBanner-01_zps38be66fb.png]
Head of Internal Security
Aperture [H-ISG]
2/2 vacancies available.
This position cannot be applied for. It may be earned through promotion.
The Heads of Internal Security are required to manage their security divisions. Usually, they will divide into two units for patrols. They are able to assign security guards to the areas within the Aperture complex, such as the laboratories or high-level storage sectors. They remain calm and absolute at all times and can make quick decisions based on the situation.

Internal Security Guards (ISGs)
Aperture [ISG]
4/6 vacancies available.
Ty Guy790 (STEAM_0:1:53354832 | 27/05/13)
Killall007 (STEAM_0:0:15118337 | 31/05/13)
The ISGs provide Aperture's defence against intruders and those wishing to cause serious harm to both Aperture's employees and research. Guided by their department heads, they can be assigned for patrols and sector surveillance. ISGs are expected to be vigilant and responsive at all times.

[Image: Members-FieldExternalBanner02-01_zpsd46eefea.png]

[Image: Members-TransportationBanner-01_zps3438d4f4.png]
Head of Transport Operations
Aperture [H-T]
2/2 vacancies available.
This position cannot be applied for. It may be earned through promotion.
This person is responsible for planning and coordinating all transportation events, including the transport of important scientific materials and people, such as security guards and the CEO.

Aperture [T]
1/2 vacancies available.
[FL:RP] Garryfish (STEAM_0:1:15110652 | 05/06/13)
Transporters operate the transport vehicles. They are directed by their superior, who gives them the event details. For high-level transport missions, they are often accompanied by ESGs (External Security Guards). Not only are they experienced drivers, but they can wield and use weapons effectively to protect both themselves, and their cargo.

[Image: Members-SecurityBanner-01_zps38be66fb.png]
Head of External Security
Aperture [H-ESG]
2/2 vacancies available.
This position cannot be applied for. It may be earned through promotion.
The Heads of External Security are required to manage their security divisions. Usually, they will divide into two units. Heads plan and oversee the assignment of ESGs to their tasks, and plot reconnaissance. They regularly discipline and train themselves and their division to make sure they are ready for any mission that comes their way.

External Security Guards (ESGs)
Aperture [ESG]
4/6 vacancies available.
EyEBall (STEAM_0:0:17546285 | 31/05/13)
ChrisX420 (STEAM_0:0:5502735 | 05/06/13)
ESGs are required to accompany important cargo transportations and always have a gun to wield for the worst case scenario. Although they spend much of their time on recon as well, ESGs may also be called in to support the ISGs in case of facility intrusions or security compromises.

[Image: Members-SpecialistBanner-01_zpsd63e7c5e.png]
Head of Specialist Operations
Aperture [H-SO]
0/2 vacancies available.
This position cannot be applied for. It may be earned through promotion.
[FL:RP] ArcHammer (STEAM_0:0:34714717 | 29/05/13)
[FL:RP] Unholy (STEAM_0:1:38401751 | 29/05/13)
Silent and mysterious, this person only reveals themselves to their own unit and the CEO. They constantly coordinate undercover operations and reports to the CEO. They will, on occasion, collaborate with the Heads of both Internal and External Security to share collected information, whether it be the possible dates and times of a raid, or the enemy's tactics.

Specialist Operatives
Aperture [SO]
1/3 vacancies available.
chapy98 (STEAM_0:1:41161072 | 02/06/13)
DANBIDz (STEAM_0:1:50449993 | 20/06/13)
Like their superior, these agents work covertly and undercover on a daily basis, gathering intelligence and working with each other to infiltrate and collect data from enemies and other companies. They only report to their superior and the CEO. Agents must be responsible and able to blend into any environment. They self-disciplined and are to keep their personal and professional lives apart to remove the risk of emotional compromise.

[Image: CurrentResearchBanner-01_zpsb5165465.png]

[Image: ProtocolsBanner-01_zpsdce793bd.png]

Aperture Protocols
Aperture employees are expected to maintain a high standard code of conduct at all times, not only to uphold the image of the company, but also for the safety of all of those working in and out of the facility. As such, there are a number of protocols that employees are expected to abide by.

Global protocols apply to all Aperture employees. Each department therewithin receives its own according set, suited for the relative working conditions.

  • Respect your peers and superiors.
  • Follow any direct orders you have been given by superiors. (Including orders issued by the CEO.)
  • Follow the set server rules. CDMs and RDMs are clear violations.
  • Do not steal, or follow events with the intention to steal. Theft will result in suspension and depending on the magnitude of the theft, even possible contract termination.
  • Do not speak ill of Aperture.
  • Do not leak, or in any way, shape or form, electronic, or otherwise, confidential information that has been given to you.
  • Do not engage in any unauthorised hostile activity, at any time, with anyone.

[spoiler=Protocols | Science]
  • (Global Protocols also apply.)
  • You should always follow ethical conventions unless instructed otherwise.
  • Do not aim to purposely injure or damage other living objects without their expressed or implied consent.
  • Do not lie, or mislead superiors or your peers about your research. Therefore, it follows that you should always be aware of the work you are carrying out.

[spoiler=Protocols | Engineering]
  • (Global Protocols also apply.)
  • You should always be aware of health and safety during constructions.
  • Do not allow a construction to be considered complete when you know there is something erroneous.
  • Always be clear about your work. Do not start constructions without knowing what you are creating.
  • If required, always follow the set blueprints, unless changes have been clearly stated and the documents have been amended.

[spoiler=Protocols | Office]
  • (Global Protocols also apply.)
  • Always keep your office tidy and neat.
  • You should always be polite, well mannered and respectful when talking to clients.

[spoiler=Protocols | Internal Security]
  • (Global Protocols also apply.)
  • You should always be alert and on the job.
  • Do not endanger other members of the facility, or cause events that could lead to this.
  • Follow the orders you have been issued, such as your assignment to guard a certain sector.
  • Do not friendly fire under any circumstances. This is serious.
  • If unclear about anything, you MUST consult your superior. You may be putting the entire team in danger if you do not understand what it is you should be doing.

[spoiler=Protocols | Transportation]
  • (Global Protocols also apply.)
  • Drive sensibly and on the correct side of the road.
  • Unless absolutely crucial due to the situation, do not endanger Evocity citizens by driving on the pavement or using shortcuts. (Inquiries will be made.)
  • Do not engage with hostile activities unless ESGs require immediate backup. Your job is to drive, that is your main priority.
  • Double check routes, arrival/departure times and cargo information with your superior to make sure everyone is clear about what needs to be taken where and when.

[spoiler=Protocols | External Security]
  • (Global Protocols also apply.)
  • You should always be alert and on the job.
  • Do not endanger other members of the facility, or cause events that could lead to this.
  • Follow the orders you have been issued, such as your assignment to accompany a transporter on his task.
  • Do not friendly fire under any circumstances. This is serious.
  • If unclear about anything, you MUST consult your superior. You may be putting the entire team in danger if you do not understand what it is you should be doing.
  • Always holster your weapons when walking around the town.

[spoiler=Protocols | Specialist]
  • (Global Protocols also apply.)
  • Always report regularly and directly to your superior, not through another person.
  • Do not under ANY circumstances endanger Evocity citizens by drawing fire in the middle of a public area. (Draw the enemy to quieter location.)
  • Never start immediate conversation with another agent unless you have used the confirmed phrase and received the correct response to certify their identify.
  • Do not seal unauthorised deals with other companies or organisations.
  • Always keep personal attachments away from your professional work or you run the risk of emotional compromise which may place many other people in extreme danger.

[Image: EntryRequirementsBanner_zpsc356e809.png]

Entry Requirements
In order to become a potential candidate for employment at Aperture, please read the following entry requirements and make sure you are eligible to apply.

OOC Requirements
  • You are at least 14 years old.
  • You have at least 90 hours playtime on Fearless.
  • You have not obtained a ban within the last month, and received no more than 7 bans in total.
  • You have a basic/good understanding of English.
  • You have a microphone or can type well.

IC Requirements
  • You are able to adhere to the company protocols.
  • You do not currently work for another organisation or clan. (Exceptions may be made).
  • You are able to work effectively in a team and cooperate with others.

[Image: ApplicationBanner-01_zpsbc2c42f5.png]

Application Form
If working at Aperture Laboratories appeals to you, please take the time to fill out and submit the form below.
Do not forget to carefully read the Protocols and Entry Requirements sections above first.
Please note it is important to use the template given below. Failure to comply may result in instant rejection.

There are four sections, Personal Information (OOC), Character Information (IC), Application Information (IC) and Psychoanalytic Questions (IC).

Spoiler: Application
[b][u][size=large]Personal Information (OOC)[/size][/u][/b]
[b]Name:[/b] (First and surname)
[b]Steam Name:[/b] (Steam Name)
[b]Steam ID:[/b] (Steam ID)
[b]Age:[/b] (Age)
[b]Nationality:[/b] (Nationality)
[b]Time Zone:[/b] (Time Zone)
[b]Hours:[/b] (Number of server hours)
[b]RP Points (if applicable):[/b] (RP Points)
[b]Bans (with dates):[/b] (Bans)

[b][u][size=large]Character Information (IC)[/size][/u][/b]
[b]Name:[/b] (First and surname)
[b]Age:[/b] (Age)
[b]Address:[/b] (Address)
[b]Nationality:[/b] (Nationality)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Short description about character)

[b][u][size=large]Application Information (IC)[/size][/u][/b]
[b]Position applying for:[/b] (Position)
[b]Reason for applying:[/b] (Reason)
[b]Experience:[/b] (Experience)
[b]What Aperture can expect from you:[/b] (Answer)
[b]Previous employment:[/b] (Last job)

[b][u][size=large]Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)[/size][/u][/b]
[b]Are you left or right handed?:[/b] (Left/Right)
[b]You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?:[/b] (Answer)
[b]If you were a shape, what shape would you be?:[/b] (Answer)
[b]You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?:[/b] (Answer)

Just applied?
Thank you for applying. You will be notified when your application has been received. Please don't forget to check back here for acceptances and rejections.

Page last updated: 20/06/13 | 09:51PM GMT

Spoiler: Changelog
(Thread changelog - All times in GMT)
(Key: T = Thread, R = Roster)
26/05/13 - 05:30PM - T | Published thread.
26/05/13 - 07:45PM - T | Rescaled all images to fit.
26/05/13 - 08:06PM - R | Added Super Spy Raptor [Back_Stab] [STEAM_0:0:33137169] (Scientist)
26/05/13 - 08:40PM - T | Added changelog.
27/05/13 - 10:41AM - T | Updated application form instructions.
27/05/13 - 01:53PM - T | Added 'Current Research' section (Portals).
27/05/13 - 03:06PM - T | Added roster tags and changed 'Specialist Agents' to 'Specialist Operatives'.
27/05/13 - 07:28PM - R | Added [FL:RP] ArcHammer [STEAM_0:0:34714717] (Specialist Operative)
27/05/13 - 07:28PM - R | Added Ty Guy790 [STEAM_0:1:53354832] (Internal Security Guard)
28/05/13 - 07:22PM - T | Added [Recruiting] tag to thread name. Added icon.
29/05/13 - 10:53AM - R | Promoted [FL:RP] ArcHammer [STEAM_0:0:34714717] (Head of Specialist Operations)
29/05/13 - 10:53AM - R | Added [FL:RP] Unholy [STEAM_0:1:38401751] (Head of Specialist Operations)
02/06/13 - 11:20AM - R | Added Killall007 [STEAM_0:0:15118337] (Internal Security Guard)
02/06/13 - 11:22AM - R | Added Nicegirlz^_^ [STEAM_0:0:35037504] (Engineer)
02/06/13 - 11:23AM - R | Added EyEBall [STEAM_0:0:17546285] (External Security Guard)
02/06/13 - 11:35AM - R | Added chapy98 [STEAM_0:1:41161072] (Specialist Operative)
05/06/13 - 10:04PM - R | Added [FL:RP] Garryfish [STEAM_0:1:15110652] (Transporter)
05/06/13 - 10:05PM - R | Added Mr.Trouserless [STEAM_0:1:52598101] (Scientist)
05/06/13 - 10:06PM - R | Added ChrisX420 [STEAM_0:0:5502735] (External Security Guard)
08/06/13 - 05:42PM - T | Fixed spelling error (Research-Portals-01)
20/06/13 - 09:50PM - R | Added DANBIDz STEAM_0:1:50449993 (Specialist Operative)

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - CaveeJohnson - 05-26-2013


Personal Information (OOC)
Name: (First and surname) Callum Slaney
Steam Name: (Steam Name) [FL:RP] Cave Johnson
Steam ID: (Steam ID) cba to find it, but this is an example, YOU WILL NEED IT.
Age: (Age) 15
Nationality: (Nationality) english
Time Zone: (Time Zone) +0 GMT
Hours: (Number of server hours) 110
RP Points (if applicable): (RP Points) 1
Bans (with dates): (Bans) 1, random raiding (actualy a missunderstanding Tounge) arround 1 month ago

Character Information (IC)
Name: (First and surname) Cave Johnson
Age: (Age) 50
Address: (Address) Aperture Laboritories, CLASSIFIED.
Nationality: (Nationality) American
Bio: (Short description about character) cba, once again, you hould do it.

Application Information (IC)
Position applying for: (Position) CEO
Reason for applying: (Reason) because im the CEO
Experience: (Experience) i am the CEO I KNOW EVERYTHINNGGG
What Aperture can expect from you: (Answer) nothing, i own you.
Previous employment: (Last job) aperture fixtures

Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)
Are you left or right handed?: (Left/Right) right
You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?: (Answer) xenon lifeform
If you were a shape, what shape would you be?: (Answer) decogon
You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?: (Answer) ASHPD

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - Weecow - 05-26-2013

This looks truly awesome. You have done a great job on the design and thread it self, I wish you the best of luck with this clan!

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - Deriptz - 05-26-2013

This looks amazing, good luck with the clan!!

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - Arxxy - 05-26-2013

Very well done, I think this clan may go far. Good luck!

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - thefyrewire - 05-26-2013

Thanks Smile After continually experimenting with different layouts, the pictures seemed to fit perfectly on the preview, so it's a shame they've been scaled.

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - killer653 - 05-26-2013

Personal Information (OOC)
Name: (First and surname) Amber "Hunter" Hoft
Steam Name: Super Spy Raptor [Back_Stab]
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33137169
Age: 13 (I know it is a year under the age, but I will be turning 14 on dec 14 2013)
Nationality: American
Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone
Hours: 116 Hours at the time of this application.
RP Points (if applicable): One RP point.
Bans (with dates): Two bans (Could not find out dates but it was longer than a month ago I was banned)

Character Information (IC)
Name: Amber "Hunter" Hoft
Age: 27 Years old.
Address: Evocity, [Redacted]
Nationality: American.
Bio: Amber is a female scientist that wished to work in a corporation to help people all over the world with their life. She has made advanced medicines that have helped the sick. She has always helped in every way possible no matter who was asking for it.

Application Information (IC)
Position applying for: Scientist
Reason for applying: I saw the Aperture Laboratories and applied seeing all the great things they have done for humanity.
Experience: I have worked in the field as a scientist and a doctor to work on making medicine for the ill and have worked on nuclear science.
What Aperture can expect from you: They can expect a hard working,well trained scientist.
Previous employment: Doctor/Scientist.

Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)
Are you left or right handed?: Left handed.
You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?: A monkey.
If you were a shape, what shape would you be?: Circle.
You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?: An Aperture Handheld Portal Device.

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - CaveeJohnson - 05-26-2013

(05-26-2013, 06:25 PM)killer653 Wrote: Personal Information (OOC)
Name: (First and surname) Amber "Hunter" Hoft
Steam Name: Super Spy Raptor [Back_Stab]
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33137169
Age: 13 (I know it is a year under the age, but I will be turning 14 on dec 14 2013)
Nationality: American
Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone
Hours: 116 Hours at the time of this application.
RP Points (if applicable): One RP point.
Bans (with dates): Two bans (Could not find out dates but it was longer than a month ago I was banned)

Character Information (IC)
Name: Amber "Hunter" Hoft
Age: 27 Years old.
Address: Evocity, [Redacted]
Nationality: American.
Bio: Amber is a female scientist that wished to work in a corporation to help people all over the world with their life. She has made advanced medicines that have helped the sick. She has always helped in every way possible no matter who was asking for it.

Application Information (IC)
Position applying for: Scientist
Reason for applying: I saw the Aperture Laboratories and applied seeing all the great things they have done for humanity.
Experience: I have worked in the field as a scientist and a doctor to work on making medicine for the ill and have worked on nuclear science.
What Aperture can expect from you: They can expect a hard working,well trained scientist.
Previous employment: Doctor/Scientist.

Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)
Are you left or right handed?: Left handed.
You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?: A monkey.
If you were a shape, what shape would you be?: Circle.
You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?: An Aperture Handheld Portal Device.

Approved, Welcome aboard, Amber. As the first official member of the science team, you will be promoted upon the arrival of more members.

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - ArcHammer - 05-27-2013

Personal Information (OOC)
Name: Ryan White
Steam Name: [FL:RP] ArcHammer
Steam ID: 0:0:34714717
Age: 15
Nationality: Aussie
Time Zone: GMT+8
Hours: 129 at the time of this post.
RP Points (if applicable): 2
Bans (with dates): 1 - 2013-04-05 05:30:41

Character Information (IC)
Name: John Fernandez
Age: 31
Address: 8 Redmond Way, Evocity
Nationality: Australian
Bio: Perfectionist- must do everything right. Bubbly personality, friendly but hardworking. Has done a lot in his life. Worked as a chef in the teenager years, and moved on to becoming a police officer and then a high ranking SRU agent.

Application Information (IC)
Position applying for: Head of Specialist Operations
Reason for applying: I am great at organising missions and being a leader of something. An interesting job, too.
Experience: Working as a police officer and an agent for the president for many years, I have plenty of experience of commanding people and leading raids and more. I can covertly run missions, stealthily.
What Aperture can expect from you: A dedicated guy, ready to work for Aperture and conduct missions etc.
Previous employment: SRU

Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)
Are you left or right handed?: Right
You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?: A seal. I love seals.
If you were a shape, what shape would you be?: Sphere
You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?: Well, I'd bring a flare. I was going to say Aperture Handheld Portal Device, but it would look like I copied the last guy. Cheese

RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - TyGuy790 - 05-27-2013

Personal Information (OOC)
Name: (First and surname) Ty Murray
Steam Name: (Steam Name) Ty Guy790
Steam ID: (Steam ID) 0:1:53354832
Age: (Age) 15
Nationality: (Nationality) American
Time Zone: (Time Zone) GMT -5:00
Hours: (Number of server hours) 227 at the time of this post
RP Points (if applicable): (RP Points) 0
Bans (with dates): (Bans) 2 over a month ago

Character Information (IC)
Name: (First and surname) Ty Murray
Age: (Age) (Never really thought about it) 27
Address: (Address) 227, 1st AV. EvoCity
Nationality: (Nationality)American
Bio: (Short description about character) Hard Worker: After completing high school I went and joined the Navy and was introduced into the Navy Seals, I worked as a Petty Officer in the Navy seals for 6 years. After retirement I joined the SRU and protected the president for quite some time.

Application Information (IC)
Position applying for: (Position) Head of Internal Security
Reason for applying: (Reason) I am a hard worker and sincerely interested in your cause.
Experience: (Experience)Navy Seal for 6 years SRU Sergeant for 3 years
What Aperture can expect from you: (Answer) A very Hard worker who would with no risk his life the safety of others.
Previous employment: (Last job) SRU sergeant

Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)
Are you left or right handed?: (Left/Right) Right
You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?: (Answer) A Tyrannosaurus Rex
If you were a shape, what shape would you be?: (Answer) a Cylinder
You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?: (Answer) A cruise ship