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[RANT] Our Younger Generation - Printable Version

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RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - yarrrs - 01-03-2014

(01-03-2014, 10:13 PM)The_Ghandi_Floss Wrote:
Quote: I come sprinting to the rescue. I run over there and they throw their fists all over the place all unorganized like, but unlike them, and as I am sure you all know, I am a Police Academy graduate.
I laid one of them out with a swift armlock. (I call it the C lock. I went to try and solve is passively however when his bud came to shake my hand I snatched his hand and I went under him, and made his arm into a C, I then twisted his hand (right hand) counterclockwise by pressing on his pinky like a gas pedal. It hurts.) Anyways I threw him on the ground and pinned him with my weight suspending him as if I were about to handcuff him, whilst his loving friend ditches him in the dust around the corner. I tell the lady to go get help but by the time I let the *** go she had just gotten up.

I've spent my whole life slap bam in the middle of Croydon and I haven't seen anything like this. I have seen muggings at knife point and things like that but NEVER in my entire life a Elderly person. I'm glad that you were there and not Me because I would of gone ape-shit on those little shits.

The thing that separates the good kids from the bad kids is how they use their confidence.

I'm not going to go UFC status on a bunch of Juveniles, but I appreciate the feedback.

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - Gandhi - 01-03-2014

(01-03-2014, 10:32 PM)Jarz Wrote:
(01-03-2014, 10:13 PM)The_Ghandi_Floss Wrote:
Quote: I come sprinting to the rescue. I run over there and they throw their fists all over the place all unorganized like, but unlike them, and as I am sure you all know, I am a Police Academy graduate.
I laid one of them out with a swift armlock. (I call it the C lock. I went to try and solve is passively however when his bud came to shake my hand I snatched his hand and I went under him, and made his arm into a C, I then twisted his hand (right hand) counterclockwise by pressing on his pinky like a gas pedal. It hurts.) Anyways I threw him on the ground and pinned him with my weight suspending him as if I were about to handcuff him, whilst his loving friend ditches him in the dust around the corner. I tell the lady to go get help but by the time I let the *** go she had just gotten up.

I've spent my whole life slap bam in the middle of Croydon and I haven't seen anything like this. I have seen muggings at knife point and things like that but NEVER in my entire life a Elderly person. I'm glad that you were there and not Me because I would of gone ape-shit on those little shits.

The thing that separates the good kids from the bad kids is how they use their confidence.

I'm not going to go UFC status on a bunch of Juveniles, but I appreciate the feedback.

I don't blame you Tounge
For some reason when I see people annoying the elderly let alone assaulting them, I get VERY angry. It's nice to see someone who doesn't go for the most aggressive approach for a change Smile

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - MattyG56 - 01-04-2014

I agree, kids these days are horrible... Not that I'm one or anything.

Though I'd post something, haven't been here in ages...

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - Otto_ - 01-14-2014

Dude this is so true. I live in the UK where Honey Boo Boo Is know but not too much, But there is stuff just as bad. But when i was i think about 7/8 Me and a friend was playing Hide & Seek in the Park ;3 (the days when i was a child i still miss ;c) But these 15-19 year olds Were all taking drugs and stuff (we saw them) and then they came up to us grabbed us and threatened to kill us unless we gave em money (or something i cant rly remember) but they had a knife! I WAS FRIKIN ABOUT 7 O.O and then LOL i punched one of em (the one holding me) and Ran off with my friend and Got my Mum, and she chased them away! They could of taken her out if they wanted but no, those stupid people ran like cowards... Just as well because my mum would beat the hell out of them Wink but wtf was 15- 19 year olds doing mugging and threatening to kill me doing with there lives... :/

I look back it now in shame thinking i would never do that (and im there age now) I would not even not dare open a door for someone coming my way!
I just think, They will fail in life, i will succeed (i hope) and i wont go to jail and they will.

Fyi I am 15 Now

I would also like to add another story.

I saw this man with a disability running to the bus stop once because the bus was there and he was late. Then i see these Twats about 13 years old Lathing at the top of there voice and shouting names at him because he could not run properly, i really wanted to shout at the kids but i did not, i wish i did. But i don't understand none Even people Much younger then me have NO respect for anyone.

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - Joykill - 01-14-2014

(01-14-2014, 09:23 PM)[FL:RP] [GiB] BEAST Wrote: But when i was i think about 7/8 Me and a friend was playing Hide & Seek in the Park ;3 (the days when i was a child i still miss ;c) But these 15-19 year olds Were all taking drugs and stuff (we saw them) and then they came up to us grabbed us and threatened to kill us unless we gave em money (or something i cant rly remember) but they had a knife! I WAS FRIKIN ABOUT 7 O.O and then LOL i punched one of em (the one holding me) and Ran off with my friend and Got my Mum, and she chased them away! They could of taken her out if they wanted but no, those stupid people ran like cowards... Just as well because my mum would beat the hell out of them Wink but wtf was 15- 19 year olds doing mugging and threatening to kill me doing with there lives... :/

I am doubtful about this story, really. Any rational mom would contact the local police department instead of running after kids who threatened to kill her son. Police departments take death threats seriously, especially if you witnessed them being armed. Considering that, according to your story, you were back at your mom pretty quickly, it would be fairly easy to find those responsible for a police department.

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - Barkles - 01-14-2014

In my honest opinion,
Wherever you go, you have little good for nothing assholes
I mean I'm in year 11 the top of the school, yet some s**t mouthed year 7's still feel that the can attempt to threaten me! I mean without exaggeration i have a 1ft height advantage on a lot of them.

So instead of retaliating to their threats all I do is remind them that others in my year wouldn't think twice of beating the crap out them.

Therefore, I think instead of just solidly complaining about "the youth of today" and such we should do our homework on them, accept that we were all a little brat at one point; instead of tutting about it why don't we all go and talk to them.

Probably the reason I feel so strongly is that in the UK especially where I live their is a prejudice towards the teen demographic because of a few stupid inderviduals. Yet none of these so called "moral crusaders" who know why they are right and 'they' are wrong want to give a sensible reason why beyond "I'm older"

As I said just my opinion not fact or what you should believe

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - Prosto - 01-14-2014

Remind me, what's the point of this thread?

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - yarrrs - 01-14-2014

(01-14-2014, 10:55 PM)Borovichok Wrote: Remind me, what's the point of this thread?

To rant about shit headed kids who have zero respect for the environment or society

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - Eisenhorn - 01-14-2014

None of these issues are new or exclusive to our or any other generation. Sociologists refer to a growing awareness of these issues due to an increase availability of the media. I do concede Jarz has a point with regards to desensitization towards virtually anything taboo in today's society, however crime statistics have to be considered with other factors than the media in mind, socio-economic, population growth, and all things. You will see less mindless behaviour in a school of 100 pupils than one of a 1000. The instant gratification of today is responsible as well, there is little deferred gratification, and people expect everything to change instantly, and they demand respect, largely due to the molly coddling of their parents and the media influence on their lives. In a way I resent the technology of todays age due to the stresses it places on life, and how it substitutes for people as a coping mechanism.


interesting study for anyone who wants to read it.
This of course raises the issue of do video games cause violence? Nope, do the cause desensitization to violence? It's debatable, i'd argue they cause awareness of violent acts, but the images presented are so different from reality, I wouldn't believe they cause desensitization to real life violence, due to the difference in emotions you experience in the reality of it. One thing I would say is it changes the amount of bullshit kids talk and the way they try to act, but then again that stereotype of the ideal male role is exemplified in all modern media.

Basic premises to live by; have fun and stop giving a damn, once you realise that those a-holes are going nowhere, except a ditch most likely you can smile that eventually life will catch up to them. If somebody gets aggressive with you, defuse the situation, apologise if you have to (pride can fuck off), learn the signs of when you can't defuse it, or when you should run, it's not cowardice if he has fifteen mates ready to stab you, it's being smart. If you can't defuse it defend yourself as best you can, the majority of situations can be defused by talking, most people are too scared to throw the first punch so they will try to provoke you. Best bet really is to avoid it, it's not fun, and it's not clever to fight everyone and everything, it hurts and everybody gets jacked up, hell you can even end up in a police cell for taking it to far, when they were the aggressor.
Just lead a good life, and stop worrying about shit you can't change, be a better person, be courteous and considerate, and never say anything to anyone you can't back up, because one day someone will call you on it.

RE: [RANT] Our Younger Generation - Strange - 01-15-2014

(12-20-2013, 01:59 AM)Jarz Wrote: You all are the freaking same. Get unique. Do something different. STOP GOING ON FACEBOOK JUST FOR FARMVILLE. Delete your Instagram, you're probably not important enough that people have to see what you're eating for dinner. And don't get sad if people don't like your post, because they're all usually trash. Stop doing drugs, they're not OK. Kids these days literally make drugs seem OK.

Don't sell yourself. I've seen police reports of young teenager females sleeping with 17 year old guys.
Do you REALLY not know any common sense?
Sex isn't that freaking important ladies, go get some class.

Honestly, I think you're stereotyping just a tad bit here.
I'm 14, and most of this stuff doesn't seem to happen often. In my county there's about one case of drug abuse/week from what I last heard. I use Facebook, and I barely see anyone playing farmville anymore. That seemed to be something more popular in 2009/2010? Instagram is really stupid though, considering people decide to 'rate' each other based on popular clothing brands and spam emoji. It's not food as much as every single Starbucks photo and selfie you have on your camera roll. If we really want a rant, lets do it on selfies and tumblr. I don't know about anyone else here but things like BMS, OMQ, 5EVER, QOTP, QOTD, etc. are just really pointless and stupid. Everyone is just lazy these days.

With the whole sex thing, I can't really comment. Not in high school yet, and I've only heard about it happening once in middle school about 2-3 years ago.