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Fearless problems + solutions - Printable Version

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RE: Fearless problems + solutions - Wolven - 12-08-2019

Another thread? Seriously the admins will come out saying stuff is going to change and that they agree but aint going to so anything about it.

Nothing will come from this thread but at least someone Jan is attempting to make suggestions and point out the problems. Staff aren't going to do it.

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - Pollux - 12-08-2019

(12-08-2019, 10:51 AM)Wolven Wrote: Another thread? Seriously the admins will come out saying stuff is going to change and that they agree but aint going to so anything about it.

Nothing will come from this thread but at least someone Jan is attempting to make suggestions and point out the problems. Staff aren't going to do it.

This thread is one of the most civil and mature discussions about the topic so far. Don't ruin it.

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - Jan - 12-08-2019

(12-08-2019, 10:51 AM)Wolven Wrote: Another thread? Seriously the admins will come out saying stuff is going to change and that they agree but aint going to so anything about it.

Nothing will come from this thread but at least someone Jan is attempting to make suggestions and point out the problems. Staff aren't going to do it.

A bit of a strange reply from someone that liked the thread 3-4 days ago. Do you first like a thread and then read it?

I agree with Pollux, so far most replies have been civil and constructive. 

If it’s going to make a difference is something we’ll have to see, but I’d say it’s better then staying silent.

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - Pollux - 12-08-2019

(12-08-2019, 12:40 PM)Jan Wrote:
(12-08-2019, 10:51 AM)Wolven Wrote: Another thread? Seriously the admins will come out saying stuff is going to change and that they agree but aint going to so anything about it.

Nothing will come from this thread but at least someone Jan is attempting to make suggestions and point out the problems. Staff aren't going to do it.

A bit of a strange reply from someone that liked the thread 3-4 days ago. Do you first like a thread and then read it?

I agree with Pollux, so far most replies have been civil and constructive. 

If it’s going to make a difference is something we’ll have to see, but I’d say it’s better then staying silent.

Honestly this thread has been extremely useful due to how mature the conversations are compared to all the other threads. People saying there's no point really irritate me as no one trying would make the situation worse. As to your question he was a teacher a few days ago but now he's demoted, so I'd just ignore it.

If people have no hope in the team fair enough, just keep it to yourself as it does nothing but make these type of threads toxic and stupid, which is why the rest get ignored as they don't help anyone. It's not hard to shut up and not post instead of having to say "omg look at you for trying theres no point ha ha".

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - don - 12-13-2019

I agree with a lot which has been said on the entirety of this thread from pretty much every user.

I feel like bridges being made in certain areas can make life easier for the server too. My point with this is whether it be passive or aggressive there should not be a divide between these in the community. This is one of the things which brought lots of toxicity into the community, both roleplay is good for the server, as long as it isn't just someone sitting in a house for 10 hours a day shooting everyone who walks in.

I feel like back in the day aggressive or passive wasn't even talked about, people just did their thing and somehow in 2014 on V2D, every roleplay just linked up and it was the most enjoyable experience I have probably had on my PC, playing video games. I couldn't get enough of it if i am going to be honest.

With this, its clear both levels of aggressive and passive RP levels have dropped massively but there isn't encouragement and motivation cant get, can only try anyway.

This is one of things which killed the clan world, with admins stepping in and officers stepping in etc, to save their clan, i know after that for just the pure principle of them actions alone made many people quit the clan scene. It was one scene which thrived within FL, i used to love getting on to roleplay with Crimson, it was always fun no matter passive or aggressive, you had a certain aura when people seen you was in crimson, kinda crazy how you brought that up, because now it really isnt that. This was like constant content for the players, clans doing different things on the server, big things or small, it was always new things, it felt new, fresh even driving past it in your car it was like wow, thats new. The clan scene will be tough to revive after everything that has happened, and its not very fair to expect the staff team or clan officers to revive it, because it is a very big job all i can say is give people and the clans maximum freedom and let some sort of structure come from that and go from there. If you need my help or ideas you can always give me a call on discord.

I know I have spoken to the developers like Arny, Tassia and Pollux whether it be over the forums and then also privately, and they all know its all love with me when i complement or slander their work. First of all, i respect and thank them for what they do as i can partially do what they do and to the level they do it, you have to commend that. They also, know i have a strong opinion, and im honest. Pollux for example, we can laugh with eachother and talk for hours within a call with friends, we will actively joke about some of his work, because i disagreed with it, its all love.

But, if we are to go forward we have to be honest, there is no lack of content, there is more content than before and we all loved it then, so its time to fall back in love with not was once FL but what is FL. Get behind the staff team and developers and make them feel good, because when someone is feeling good, they want to be around, they want to do what they love. When you're being slandered why would you want to give to those very people, its human nature.

One thing i would like to touch on is the SA's, Tomo is a very good friend of mine, i remember the days when he and I was both just little donators, and now he's SA. Then Divey, i respect sometimes we don't see eye to eye, but yet again i respect the time he puts into FL, as i know what he does behind the scenes, but sometimes i believe his focus can be on the wrong things. Both of the SA's do need to lead the current staff team, and most importantly the community back to where it was.

Furthermore, one issue i have as a part of this community is transparency, we are all in this boat together so I don't understand why telling us about an update is considered leaking, just make sure it is in its final stages before you tell us, so no one can say that you are feeding lies to the community, if they don't understand some things just aren't possible, or don't work like it sounds, then they're just silly and can rightfully be ignored.

On a finishing note, i also believe people should be given more of a chance within the community because no disrespect to the current team, but i believe many people can do the same if not a lot better than most of the current team. Many past and present staff members have agreed with me on this on how people are held accountable for something they have done or said many years ago, and even when they behave for 2 months for example showing the level of maturity and respect they have now have for others but most importantly their selves.


RE: Fearless problems + solutions - Fultz - 12-13-2019

(12-13-2019, 06:37 AM)perqe Wrote: -snip-

I'm going to try and go down the order you went to respond to it. I might not hit some of the points but will do my best.

You hit the nail on the head in the one statement. Passive and Aggressive RP has dropped massively in performance. 75% of passive RP is the most basic type of roleplay in the sense of casinos with a couple of mediocre attempts elsewhere. And you look at aggressive rp and at this point, it is solely government shootouts. There has always been a divide between the two groups who prefer each, but the difference before was people were actually adequate at RP and to coexist and make it work. Now, however, both sides think that they are the best at their respected role and with people who roleplay aggressively making no attempt to put any roleplay behind their actions and people who roleplay passively not allowing anyone outside of their niche groups to participate in what they are doing (Or forcing everyone who comes in to be bystanders and just watch them roleplay). It is just simply an issue that faces FL because no one attempted to fix it. And now if you go from a passive roleplayer to an aggressive one the passive side labels you as a minge. And if you go from the aggressive side to passive the aggressive side thinks you are an ass kisser.

The clan scene has been a major cause of what I described above and the main focus of that is something that I have hated since it came out, and have tried to remove since. That is the separation of clans and groups. With this right here you are saying that aggressive people and passive people cannot roleplay with each other. That moment was the moment where I say that Fearless has accepted that clans are not an important factor on the servers. Passive "groups" have no purpose other than to label a niche roleplay with it being the same group of people running 4 different groups and they have all areas of the roleplay self-satisfied so there is no purpose of working with anyone, not in their group. While clans on the other hand at this point are just the same groups of people making a big clan of inactive players just itching to go to war with others with no intentions of doing anything else where they will just simply overpower the smaller clan in numbers with people who haven't been on the server in months to years just to satisfy themselves. That is our clan/group scene. There is no interaction between the two because that is where we are and what set this up to the shit show it is today is what you slightly highlighted in your post. No matter which side you are on when it came to the Jan Forgee clan/group situation. All it showed was that groups can not be forced into an aggressive situation because they are labeled as a passive group. This decision was the final dagger in completely separating the two categories and destroying the scene.

Reviving the clan scene is something that will get a good amount of people back into playing on Fearless and in turn making it a better place. Will it fix all the issues? No. But its something that will make a good impact on what we are dealing with right now. You said it yourself. Clans are constant content. You feel like you are apart of something that almost forces you to get on because you do not want to miss anything that could possibly happen with your small group of friends doing something that you are proud of. Something that you have made. The SAA is something that I will always remember that. To actually think that whenever I started that clan it was basically me and Grub basically begging people to join our clan and convincing them that it was worth their time to what it ended up. It is something that you cannot truly replicate here. I am going to throw a spoiler here with my suggestions to fix the clan scene and what I believe needs to be done to fix it. But at this point, I have told it numerous times and have not seen any sort of attempt. 

Spoiler :
Combine Clans & Groups under Groups
Remove 100k to create the clan in the server
Have to link Forum thread to the to be able to make clan to encourage forum activity
Clear guidelines to get official
More official milestones added
Clan bank/wallet
Set the max number of members in a clan (6-10 maximum)
Can only be in one clan.
Set define rules to what can begin a war.
Official clan leaders have a say in events.

I'm Going to sum up the rest pretty sure because I truly do not care too much about them and will be repeating myself. We do not need more content, this is the most content ever, but people need more content now because they are incapable of being any sort of creative and cannot do things without new things.

Tomo has just posted for the first time on the forums in two months the other day (Gratz) and Divey is finally doing things and honestly look at the impact it has already. Granted, the things they did honestly did not need to take this long, but hey Divey said he was busy and has proven he wants to do things. And Tomo is just here. If they keep this up hopefully we can see this ship turn around and actually get going. But my real indication on that is how long this map change is going to take. I have a feeling this is going to take way too long. This should honestly be ready and live in a week if we truly want to show we care. But I am going to guess at least a month if not longer. Lastly, the community doesn't need to know about specific things that are going on behind the scenes. But what they do deserves is at least updates as to what is going on in the terms of change. As per example. We do not need to know why we are truly changing maps (even though most have an idea) but we need to know about progress through the process as well as timetables to what we are expecting.

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - don - 12-13-2019

(12-13-2019, 03:23 PM)Fultz Wrote:
(12-13-2019, 06:37 AM)perqe Wrote: -snip-

I'm going to try and go down the order you went to respond to it. I might not hit some of the points but will do my best.

You hit the nail on the head in the one statement. Passive and Aggressive RP has dropped massively in performance. 75% of passive RP is the most basic type of roleplay in the sense of casinos with a couple of mediocre attempts elsewhere. And you look at aggressive rp and at this point, it is solely government shootouts. There has always been a divide between the two groups who prefer each, but the difference before was people were actually adequate at RP and to coexist and make it work. Now, however, both sides think that they are the best at their respected role and with people who roleplay aggressively making no attempt to put any roleplay behind their actions and people who roleplay passively not allowing anyone outside of their niche groups to participate in what they are doing (Or forcing everyone who comes in to be bystanders and just watch them roleplay). It is just simply an issue that faces FL because no one attempted to fix it. And now if you go from a passive roleplayer to an aggressive one the passive side labels you as a minge. And if you go from the aggressive side to passive the aggressive side thinks you are an ass kisser.

The clan scene has been a major cause of what I described above and the main focus of that is something that I have hated since it came out, and have tried to remove since. That is the separation of clans and groups. With this right here you are saying that aggressive people and passive people cannot roleplay with each other. That moment was the moment where I say that Fearless has accepted that clans are not an important factor on the servers. Passive "groups" have no purpose other than to label a niche roleplay with it being the same group of people running 4 different groups and they have all areas of the roleplay self-satisfied so there is no purpose of working with anyone, not in their group. While clans on the other hand at this point are just the same groups of people making a big clan of inactive players just itching to go to war with others with no intentions of doing anything else where they will just simply overpower the smaller clan in numbers with people who haven't been on the server in months to years just to satisfy themselves. That is our clan/group scene. There is no interaction between the two because that is where we are and what set this up to the shit show it is today is what you slightly highlighted in your post. No matter which side you are on when it came to the Jan Forgee clan/group situation. All it showed was that groups can not be forced into an aggressive situation because they are labeled as a passive group. This decision was the final dagger in completely separating the two categories and destroying the scene.

Reviving the clan scene is something that will get a good amount of people back into playing on Fearless and in turn making it a better place. Will it fix all the issues? No. But its something that will make a good impact on what we are dealing with right now. You said it yourself. Clans are constant content. You feel like you are apart of something that almost forces you to get on because you do not want to miss anything that could possibly happen with your small group of friends doing something that you are proud of. Something that you have made. The SAA is something that I will always remember that. To actually think that whenever I started that clan it was basically me and Grub basically begging people to join our clan and convincing them that it was worth their time to what it ended up. It is something that you cannot truly replicate here. I am going to throw a spoiler here with my suggestions to fix the clan scene and what I believe needs to be done to fix it. But at this point, I have told it numerous times and have not seen any sort of attempt. 

Spoiler :
Combine Clans & Groups under Groups
Remove 100k to create the clan in the server
Have to link Forum thread to the to be able to make clan to encourage forum activity
Clear guidelines to get official
More official milestones added
Clan bank/wallet
Set the max number of members in a clan (6-10 maximum)
Can only be in one clan.
Set define rules to what can begin a war.
Official clan leaders have a say in events.

I'm Going to sum up the rest pretty sure because I truly do not care too much about them and will be repeating myself. We do not need more content, this is the most content ever, but people need more content now because they are incapable of being any sort of creative and cannot do things without new things.

Tomo has just posted for the first time on the forums in two months the other day (Gratz) and Divey is finally doing things and honestly look at the impact it has already. Granted, the things they did honestly did not need to take this long, but hey Divey said he was busy and has proven he wants to do things. And Tomo is just here. If they keep this up hopefully we can see this ship turn around and actually get going. But my real indication on that is how long this map change is going to take. I have a feeling this is going to take way too long. This should honestly be ready and live in a week if we truly want to show we care. But I am going to guess at least a month if not longer. Lastly, the community doesn't need to know about specific things that are going on behind the scenes. But what they do deserves is at least updates as to what is going on in the terms of change. As per example. We do not need to know why we are truly changing maps (even though most have an idea) but we need to know about progress through the process as well as timetables to what we are expecting.

As you said, with me you just hit the nail on the head i couldnt agree more, i didnt even think the effect groups had on clans, but now i think of it it kind of did.

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - Pollux - 12-13-2019

(12-13-2019, 03:23 PM)Fultz Wrote: As per example. We do not need to know why we are truly changing maps (even though most have an idea) but we need to know about progress through the process as well as timetables to what we are expecting.

The reason we don't want to give progress or timetables is because we can't even guarantee things are kept to schedule internally right now. Things do get pushed back and we don't want to state a date something is going to be done by and then have to push it back. It's hard to keep a balance between avoiding pressure on developers and transparency.

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - S!RNARC - 12-13-2019

I think the biggest problem we have to solve is the decreasing server popularity.

RE: Fearless problems + solutions - Fultz - 12-13-2019

(12-13-2019, 11:02 PM)Pollux Wrote:
(12-13-2019, 03:23 PM)Fultz Wrote: As per example. We do not need to know why we are truly changing maps (even though most have an idea) but we need to know about progress through the process as well as timetables to what we are expecting.

The reason we don't want to give progress or timetables is because we can't even guarantee things are kept to schedule internally right now. Things do get pushed back and we don't want to state a date something is going to be done by and then have to push it back. It's hard to keep a balance between avoiding pressure on developers and transparency.

Why are you cherry-picking the last sentence of that to push your agenda of wanting no pressure? 

What I am saying has no impact on that. I am talking about things that actually impact the playerbase. That is why I used the example of the map change. Updates are needed and required in my opinion. This is how it should be set up.

1. Have vote with time vote closes
2. If vote is prolonged, say prior to date vote was to end
3. Update with which map was selected and which format of map rotation we are going with.
4. Provide a timetable as to when we should expect the map to go live.
5. If the are issues that are going to back the time up, provide why there are issues (lets say delivery is getting messed up) and provide a time that you will hopefully have it fixed and ready.

Pushing stuff back is not a bad thing. But to state why it is happening is key. Its not hard. Do not make excuses saying you are feeling pressure to justify not providing updates in something that impacts the server. You are allowed to push it back. Just say why.