shlomo remove warning
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posting for shlomo

Your name: Shlomo

Your SteamID: N/A

Your ban ID: N/A

Banned by: DVN [forums]


Involved: Me

I was warned for +3 points by using this .gif as my signature, I used this for a laugh and it clearly is just suggestive and not exactly pornography (if you don't want to click on it then it is a picture of Christian Bale in a mirror flexing with a mannequin leg over his shoulder whilst naked from the waist up) - I had this as my signature for around two days before being warned. The reason I think this is unfair warning is due to the fact similar signatures have been used in the past without any form of punishment , and the fact the signature doesn't actually show anything besides from suggesting that Bateman is having sex whilst the other signature actually does reference a porno and was a signature for about half a year without any form of warning. Quite hypocritical if you ask me but I digress, I'd like to ask for the removal of the warning and I promise I'll never use that signature or anything similar ever again. Cheers.
I understand where you're coming from. The problem I had with the signature was that it was a GIF with a clear thrusting motion which clearly does suggest pornography and seems to be more of a loopwhole rather than a funny signature.

Dobby's signature is comedic, the woman is fully clothed as is Dobby and the whole idea is for it to be funny, maybe he's just getting a dance from her. There is still no real pornographic references there, and you can think what you want but it's a matter of opinion. Yours was more serious and clearly more close to being pornographic than Dobby's.
posting for shlomo
In the image there is about as much suggestiveness as Dobby's signature, except one is a comedic scene that shows Bateman's level of narcissism and the other is a parody of an actual pornographic film
The only person in the gif who is even near nude just has his shirt off, no sexual organs are visible at all - in Dobby's whilst clothed you can see a whole lot more than you can in mine
I fail to see how you can punish me for a gif from a scene which is intended to give insight in a comedic manner into Bateman's narcissistic traits that even during a sex act (which in the gif is only implied as nothing is explicitly shown) that he uses it as an opportunity to show off to himself.
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN
posting for shlomo
I understand it may not be appropriate however to leave this warning in place would be really a case of misjustice as Dobby also had a signature for half a year with ZERO punishment. I'll happily apologize and not use the gif again but I want this removed as to keep it in place would be a case of allowing one person to do something and saying to another person "nah mate yours moves, it may not actually be anything close to an actual porngraphic flick but because it moves innit.

Concluding notes

Warning will be removed and you may use the quoted signature spoken of in the UBR above.

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