Some guy added me as friend asking me what's going on with FL, and then I told him, and this is what he wrote back.

With lagusoLa(The guy who told me what's going on)

lagusoLa: ey
lagusoLa: what is happening with FL?
[FL:RP] Virus: umad
[FL:RP] Virus: hhhmm
[FL:RP] Virus: its down
[FL:RP] Virus: because DDoS
lagusoLa: aha:/
lagusoLa: i can make you a DDos filter if you want
[FL:RP] Virus: filter?
lagusoLa: Nothing happens if they were going to DDoS you
[FL:RP] Virus: are you sure?
lagusoLa: I need era ip to the server and so on. But I want something for it. I bought the program for the 1500th But I get a high ranking admin so I can think o do so.
lagusoLa: Ye that is what DDos is :) your modem is crashing
[FL:RP] Virus: Do you hack or something?
lagusoLa: No, but I can DDOS which garrysmod server I want. But I have helped many garrysmod servers with just that. tillexemple BYB, GmodbiZ and so on. That said, I have something for the admin tillexemple
[FL:RP] Virus: Can you see who is DDoSing the server?
lagusoLa: No
lagusoLa: Will the police to DDoS someone, it costs around 20000kronor
lagusoLa: Next time someone d-dolmens you. I can see his IP. When I returned he DDoS. I will also Report it to police. Then it will cost around 2000dollars for him.
[FL:RP] Virus: He could of use IP Mask
[FL:RP] Virus: whats D-dolmen
lagusoLa: Ddos i meand juste writed wrong:)
[FL:RP] Virus: [FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: Also its hard to track an IP to the sourse when your pinging it off 10 locations around the world
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: and using over 10,000 ips
lagusoLa: I studied IT in 7yr believe me not so difficult for me as it is for you.
lagusoLa: I have studied IT for 7 years, believe me not so difficult for me as it is for you.*

With Blackdog.

[FL:RP] Virus: You busy?
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: whatcha need
[FL:RP] Virus: I found a guy that can fix DDoS, not quiet sure if he is trustable tho
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: you cant really FIX a DDos attack
[FL:RP] Virus: lagusoLa: No, but I can DDOS which garrysmod server I want. But I have helped many garrysmod servers with just that. tillexemple BYB, GmodbiZ and so on. That said, I have something for the admin tillexemple
[FL:RP] Virus: Can you see who is DDoSing the server
lagusoLa: No
[FL:RP] Virus: meh
lagusoLa: Will the police to DDoS someone, it costs around 20000kronor
[FL:RP] Virus: are you admin on some server
[FL:RP] Virus: gmod
lagusoLa: not right now have been at BYB, any rules of play garrysmod since it came out in stores
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: just have a beast of a dedi rig
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: this is the quote that puzzles me lagusoLa: Will the police to DDoS someone, it costs around 20000kronor
[FL:RP] Virus: lagusoLa: i can make you a DDos filter if you want
[FL:RP] Virus: filter?
lagusoLa: Nothing happens if they were going to DDoS you
[FL:RP] Virus: are you sure?
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: doubt itwould work
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: but post this on the forums
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: and let everyone else check it over
[FL:RP] Virus: Okay.
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: i still dont know what he means by lagusoLa: Will the police to DDoS someone, it costs around 20000kronor
[FL:RP] Virus: kk
[FL:RP] Virus: lagusoLa: Next time someone d-dolmens you. I can see his IP. When I returned he DDoS. I will also Report it to police. Then it will cost around 2000dollars for him.
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: d-dolmens?
[FL:RP] Virus: dunno what he means by that
[FL:RP] Virus: i think he meant DDoS
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: Also its hard to track an IP to the sourse when your pinging it off 10 locations around the world
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: and using over 10,000 ips
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: many ofthem using proxies
[FL:RP] Virus: lagusoLa: I studied IT in 7yr believe me not so difficult for me as it is for you.
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: still doubti t, but post your wholechat thing on the forums with your topic
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: see what everyone else says
[FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC]: maybe hes legit, maybe hes some guy tryen to scam you
[FL:RP] Virus: k

I'm not quiet sure about lagusoLa, but you can ask him some questions if you want, or you can normally post here and I'll tell him that whenever hes active.
It's been a long time.
You can't stop a DDOS attack with a weak, personal host.

This guy is wrong, you can't see if someone is DDoSIng you, UNLESS you track down their VPS, and get to the owner of the VPS. Otherwise, you can't. Also, he could be using shells, or a botnet.

You can't find the attackers IP, because they are sending the attack from a host, and that host has its own IP. If he were attacking with his own internet, then you can catch him. This is unlikely, as the ISP would cap his badwith, if he's downloading too much.

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