I'm Sorry...
Well idk if anyone have noticed (s.J Smile) -that I've got over 700 posts while admins that have been here for much longer than me have a lot less. I havent seen ONE person that have got more posts than me..
I noticed it about a week ago, so I've obviously been kinda trolling... I've decided to TRY to stop commenting that much. I've already encountered many situations where I've been about to write something, but before i am about to post it, i think "Nah... That's too much of a un-necessary comment". So i'm really sorry if it has really been bothering someone (except s.J because he has already complained about it Smile) xP
You're a forumwhore so was Gystez do as you please but post by the books and nothing offensive.
-Signature removed-
Thanx Smile

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