Unban Request - WhiteWolf
Your name: WhiteWolf

Your ban ID: 61958

Banned by: [FL] General Rickets

Reason: FearRP, FailRP

Involved: A

Why we should unban you: I don't know why i was arested in the first place I knocked on a door and i got Tazed by General Rickets And Then Hand Cuffed and then i ran away from him Dont't really understand what i did wrong
You ran off after saying something about your penis. You were under fearrp and massively failrping.

So Because i said something about my penis that enforces the ban? and what does fearrp and failrp mean?
You were running away from gunpoint - FearRP

You were shouting about your penis when being detained - FailRP

You have been a member of the community for almost a year yet do not know these simple rules?!

Gunpoint don't Think So you still had your handcuffs out secondly i typed that in chat to a pedestrian walking beside me
Now you are lying in the courthouse. I told you three times to stop before banning you under gunpoint.

Don't Remember you warning me three times i would have seen it and it was a very quick ban so i don't know how you fit 3 warning's in that time space? and i remeber exactly how it was you had handcuffs by your side standing there i ran a few feet away and then Ban
You were under taser point at first.

Then I pulled my glock and said stop.

I asked you again.

You continued to walk off.



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