Report: whistlerstag
Name of player: whistlertag
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14928508
Time in GMT: My time is currently (when writing this br) 16:56 norwegian time. It was about an hour & 30 minutes but I am not sure.
Server: v33x
Summary: I saw this person pointing gun at someone without a reason as security guard (picture 1), then he shot once, but didnt shoot him. He shot on the road instead. I got a picture of where he shot too. (picture 2) Then he proceeded to run away (picture 3), I then ran after him. He tok out a gun and then just poointed at me (picture 4), then shot me to death. (didnt get picture of when he shot me to death, as I for some reason got one-shot killed at 100% Health)
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Picture 3:
Picture 4:

EDIT: Jono said he recorded a bit of it.
Yeah, I can post a video if needed.
A more fitting signature. 
The player at hand is in violation of Combat Rules.
"4.1 Do not kill people randomly (RDM); only kill with a valid roleplay reason."
The user will receive a 2 Hour Blacklist from Security Guard and Weapons.

Thank you for your Report.

Fearless Administrator
[Image: e5bf68204644a67fc15ab6cd327926a2.png]

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