Report: Haidarzmezm
Name of playerHaidarzmezm
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:40503114
Time in GMT: Around 12:00 PM GMT
Server: v33x
Summary: He violated rule 12.7 (Corrupt LEO) and 4.1. (RDM). I'd call it corrupt as he was an abusive officer threatening inmates saying he'd execute them and such and RDM when he tried to carry out an execution because someone wouldn't "shut their gob", thus also making his corruptness against the rules as it would have directly endangered someone's life.
Evidence: [Image: 937DBDFF80561802D8AF7820538EE4F640925F61]
This is after I asked in OOC why he attempted to execute the prisoner [(STEAM_0:0:86514936 ) Who was banned for breaking FearRP when the officer tried to gas him] and he gives a ridiculous reason for his actions making it more of an RDM.
[Image: 97E7F2AAA7D2705796CE701F84F9419DF9992F49]
I then asked the president at the time, evilmat360 (STEAM_0:1:37916807), to make sure it wasn't his orders and that he didn't allow any executions to be made. This proves he wasn't allowed to be executing people which would be corrupt and breaking rule 12.7. (You can also see I contacted administrators shortly after but it was never addressed by them.)
dude i didn't execute the guy. the guy got banned before i sent him to gas station. He was banned for FearRP and FailRP.
[Image: 7GieCRb.png]
Gotta Go Fast
But you didn't have a reason to be gassing him, just because he wouldn't stop talking doesn't mean you can gas him. Your president also said no one had authorization to execute people and none of the laws indicated that you were allowed to execute people. You went against him and his laws while trying to execute the man but that would make for corruptness and you aren't allowed to take lives while being corrupt.
But i didn't do it. As-well i ONLY opened the door until he was braking fear RP and starting being racist at me (IC) and failRPED 
And also what was this supposed to do with you? I know i forgot to ask the prez about Putting him in the gas chamber But I Didn't DO IT YET. How many times do i have to throw that WORD at your face. i am getting really Pissed off of how im getting reported of something i dint do yet. i was answering the question on the OOC on what my reason would be if i do it.
[Image: 7GieCRb.png]
Gotta Go Fast
I asked you in OOC why you did it to see if you were foolish enough to give a bad answer. It very much looked and sounded like you were going to kill him (even in OOC) for a foolish reason, especially for an officer, and I may have seen you even shoot him once (don't remember for sure if it did happen, could possibly be in the logs).
So Why you bother trying to get me in trouble?. Nothing to do with you. and why do you only do that for a "FOOLISH" Answer. 
[Image: 7GieCRb.png]
Gotta Go Fast
Not involved
The player at hand is in Violation of Government Forces and Combat Rules.
"4.1 Do not kill people randomly (RDM); only kill with a valid roleplay reason."
"12.7 Police/SWAT may be corrupt, but only if it does not directly endanger the lives of officers or civilians."
The accused player will be suspended for 1 Day.

Thank you for your report.

Fearless Administrator
[Image: e5bf68204644a67fc15ab6cd327926a2.png]

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