Manage Adv Dupe problem
Hello, I am having some issues with the Adv Dupe Manager. I made something at the build server, and I tried to move it to the v33x one, but failed. The Adv Dupe Manager doesn't let me see my build server dupes, for some reason. Here are some images:
[Image: IRocysm.jpg]

In the build server:
[Image: DF340812ECC4747CA813A23BC89C17D1B8E663D6]

Thank you for your time to read this. Hopefully, someone can fix this.
I do have got the same problem as you do.
Same here.
[Image: 5wvw1u.png]
Member of Spectre Security
This is strange, you should run this up with someone who knows more about the system. Most likely a higher staff member.
So do i, decay told me temar or soul can help us.
no update on it?
I made something at the build server too, but i cant see anything from my dupes. I need help too D:

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