Unban request on Firstgamerable <3
[b]Your name:[Firstgamerable] (Macwarswas)

[b]Your ban ID:[56862]

[b]Banned by:[[FL] Beflok]]

[b]Reason:[Hi Fearless, men and women. I just get banned for 2 month. The reason is '' Prop Spamming'' Okay i can explain this in my best way. Well, before the guy BR on me. I tried to prank the SRU's to scare them, when I pranked them i went to them and apologize, but the guy who screen shoted me didn't show that i was dealing with the SRU's in saddest way. Before disconnecting I told to all people in the server that it was a prank, have a nice day. Next day, I woke up in morning opened Fearless Community and I was looking the RP Events, News. When i read them all i feel that something was beating on my heart I rapidly checked in the bans list and i found myself Banned for 2 month, but in the next 2 month i cant play Fearless. My favorite server with my best friends and with my Family. And my sister will get married in January Canada. I apologize to Fearless the best RP server in Garrysmod I've ever played in my life. Have a nice day to everybody. Heart ]


[b]Why we should unban you:[Fearless is my life Fearless is my best RP server and it my favorites Heart ]
If you like FL so much why have you continuously broken the rules? There is no excuse you need to own up to your mistakes.
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sir please give me a last chance please i wont do anything again and i commented on ur dupes i want to buy one of them.
You are digging yourself a deeper hole and still have not learned the lesson I am trying to teach you.

Take responsibility for your actions.

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