Can you add lights like so?
So I like to use the ford raptor as a police car. But what I really would like to do is basically add a prop in the back or something. And then add police lights on my hood and weld it to eachother. Is this allowed? So it looks like I have police lights.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Vehicle Rule 5: Do not modify cars with props or tools without prior admin approval. Admins may modify a car with small objects/materials if it is required for an event.

So if you ask for a staff member's approval before doing so and they permit it then yes.
Just remember that you need to ask an online staff member every time you do this even if it has been approved before, if there is no staff member online then you can't modify it.
Modfy is kind of welding stuff to you're vehicle is it not? I see a ton of people making boxes for behind the tides truck or raptor etc... Can I do that and add a police text or something then? and lights. Modifying is to change some parts of (something) while not changing other parts.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
If it's simply a box with letters and lights on it that isn't welded to the vehicle or has props around the body to hold it in place then personally I don't see why not (don't quote me on that though, staff may feel differently so wait for an official response).
Though you'd have to be careful with the way you do this, in police pursuits there's a possibility that it will fall out and appear to be a propblock/public building in the road
Yeah I mean like that. Like a box maybe it extends a bit longer till my raptors roof. And I add police lights infront of it and text police on the side or something.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
No, that is modifying a car. I wouldn't be allowed to stick a fire in the back, and put lights ontop, that'd be modifying a car.

Making a change to your car, ie. Adding lights, adding boxes to hold lights. Doing any of this, even if it's not welded, is still modifying a car as your making changes to the car. The only way you will be allowed to do this is after you gain admin approval which you'll need everytime you want to do this RP.
Kind Regards,
(11-06-2014, 04:01 PM)Wood Wrote: -snip-

Ah, sorry I was mistaken about this then.
What if you just add the text police? Also still not a official reply...
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
I know it isn't official, but what I said 2 posts up is the rules. You literally cannot modify your car without admin permission. No police text, no lights.

I don't see the problem, just ask an admin?
Kind Regards,
You have have cargo/shipment boxes without permission.

If it goes past the bed of the truck(or van) I would advise asking.

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