[BR/BL] [GL:S] Gamer12071
Name of player: [GL:S] Gamer12071

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47598120

Time in GMT:  Wednesday, ‎September ‎17, ‎2014, ‏‎6:51:22 PM PST when (first BR on him) ‏‎6:32:15, ‏‎6:46:51, 6:51:22 PM PST

Server: v33x

Summary: Random demotion when I demoted Arron for Running over 2 officers and suspected of name change to avoid ban, and he demoted me for harrasment, which I didn't do, and he lies about it, and Insulting me via PM telling me IDIOT ****** (FUCKER) ******* (ASSHOLE)

Evidence: 4 Pictures (Second picture is not fully watchable where it says You have been demoted from police Sergeant, First picture name is Commander William Riker, 2nd one is [GL:S] Gamer12071 and then him random demoting me again)
[Image: WY1gwzv.jpg][Image: Jyr26rw.jpg]

[Image: 2LWUwkO.jpg]
[Image: jGeSkEE.jpg]
Mexico is not safe
The time between each image is very far apart, especially the first and second image.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by the accused player(s).

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team

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