unban request
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
Your name: (X-_-hamh-_-X)

Your ban ID: (51018)

Banned by: ([FL] Shadow)

Reason: (prop push)

Involved: (skull.essaxgamer.Xx7soonyxP.zick)

Why we should unban you: (the server was empty so me and skull was playing normal so we fight others cu we friend he call that rdm / and i was tryinh to make invsple prop its work /and he lie about prop push cuz he cdm cuz i take hes m4a1 when someone kill hem)
Your unban request got denied earlier, you are not allowed to create another for an amount of time.

Quoted from the Unban request guidelines:
Quote:"Bantime over 1 month - You are allowed to post a second unban request 2 weeks after the denial."

User was warned.

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