Un blacklist my weapons
Your name:Steam name: _Rene_

Your blacklist ID: 29166

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:70568779

RDM x3. Invalid reason to shoot unarmed people as SRU

Staff member who blacklisted you:[FL] Enzyme

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:I am really sorry for waht i have done and i really like the server i was donator in the past but now i cant even rp cuz i cant use guns i fav rp is cop and i only like being cop but being cop whitout any guns is dumb or being any other job whitout using your gun isn't fun .So pls un blacklist me i am really sorry

I will not unblacklist you because you are sorry. You broke the rules so you will have to do your time.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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