Scariest Prank Ever - Can It Make You Go Insane?

This is the link. It doesn't seem too scary, but imagine it IRL.
You walk down a path in a park, and see a freaky clown slam someone's head in with a giant hammer.. You run off. What if the prankers never catch up to you? You would live the rest of your life thinking that you watched someone's head get smashed. If I saw that, I would honestly lock myself in a box with a rifle, in a closet, preparing to defend myself from the wretched creature that slowly stalked me home. What if this was done in America? With concealed firearms allowed for defense with permits, I know a few people who would rip out their .22s and drop that demented clown within 2 seconds..

What do you think? Post in the comments below.

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Scariest Prank Ever - Can It Make You Go Insane? - by Matrix_ - 06-16-2014, 05:07 AM

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