Unfair Ban Removal
Your name: Daisy

Your ban ID: 47947

Banned by: [FL] Vauld

Reason: Extreme Racism, smart-ass response to my order.

Involved: No one.

Why we should unban you: I was just recently unbanned after a "2-year" ban, and my name was automatically Nate Higgers since it was before. I had had this name since I started playing on this server (I have 47 hours ingame playtime), and this is the first time I was ever warned. Vauld said "Daisy, you have 10 seconds to change your name," and I was lagging so I said "sec, lag" and then proceeded to just make my name "Higgers." He responded with, after counting from 10, "Congrats, you made it." and then immediately afterwards said, "Unfortunately, you failed." and all I said was "apparently I failed" to some guy in OCC. AND THEN HE BANNED ME FOR 30 DAYS LOL. It was the first time I was ever warned for my name and he just bans me without warning. I don't think it's fair, I would have easily changed my name upon request, which I did, but he bans me anyways. Vauld has always been an extremely disrespectful staff member in my eyes, but even this is a bit overboard. 30 days without warning? I don't deserve that, I was doing my job as a role-player.
So.. You get on the server after a 2-year ban. With the name Nate Higgers? First mistake: You keep the name. So someone finally comments on your name, I could of immediately banned you. INSTEAD, I gave you 15 seconds to change your name. You changed your name to "Higgers", that was mistake 2. That still happens to be one letter away from the N word. - A derivative of the N word, which is violating general rule 5. So really? Out of all the names to change to when I gave you the chance, you chose "Higgers"?
To be honest, you gave me little time and I thought the fastest way to change my name was to delete the "Nate," since "Higgers" is an actual name. Second, I hadn't even noticed my name in the first place since I didn't bother after I was banned for 2 years and I had forgotten about the name in it's entirety. So I'm sorry about the name, but I don't think this deserves 30 days or even any time at all. The ban was unfair and cruel.

I think me changing my name to "Higgers" would be justified with what I said, and I wasn't even thinking at the time since you gave me so little time and I was lagging. I still don't think Higgers is too bad of a word, though. That's like someone's name being "Chuck" and being banned because it's close to "Fuck." I mean, Higgers is an ACTUAL name. I'll change it if I'm unbanned if it's really THAT big of a deal, but come on.
Really? Higgers isn't an actual name..
It really is lol
Nevertheless, I gave my reasons and I think they're pretty stable. Could I get unbanned?

Here's an ancestry link. Believe it or not, someone from my school has this name : http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=higgers
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Not involved, warned - DoomDude1
Ruckuss, I told you several times to drop the subject. You refused to do so and continued to argue in OOC. You then managed to leave the server with your last words being "Go ban someone or something vauld".. I told you to drop it 3 times, I gave you 3 separate chances to drop the subject but you refused, therefore I banned you. Also, I have no quota. All the bans are for extreme cases, there weren't many minor cases tonight. I dealt with about 3 minor cases, one guy got a 5 day ban, another guy got a blacklist, and the third got a warning. The extreme cases ex: Prop-minge, racism, homophobic language - Are dealt with in a more extreme manor due to the nature of their rule-breaking. Thus they get a longer ban. That's how the system works.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Not involved, warned - DoomDude1
Nope. I don't buy it. Higgers is one letter away from the N word. I gave you 15 seconds to change your name from Nate Higgers - which is obviously offensive. And you change it to Higgers... That's not any better. I gave you a chance a second chance and you didn't comply. Denied.

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