T-Posed Ragdolls???
For some reason whenever a player gets ragdolled (killed, tazed, injured, tranqed) he/she is stuck in a t-pose with their actual invisible ragdoll beneath them. This gets very frustrating because sometimes a player will get ragdolled, their t-posed ragdoll will be standing in one spot and then their actual invisible ragdoll will be in another, meaning I accidentally step on them without realising. Is it just me? And if so, does anyone know of a fix?
This happened to me, when it did. I opened console up and typed
Record 1
Then when i closed the console. It was normal.
Thanks, I'll try it next time I'm in game
This is not a server related bug, happens clientside on your machine.
Did you try disabling your addons?
Situation resolved. Turned out that it was an Error Hide addon that basically makes all errors invisible. Thanks to everyone who responded.
Or u didnt have the models... If so download 'em
Problem solved.


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