False Contraband Detected
Basically it keeps telling me 1 of ur contraband needs refilling but I have none. I tried every possible solution, I want to have a job with the goverment but it keeps saying I have a contraband. PLEASE HELP!
Perhaps you left ur game the other night and you didnt break ur printers or it got stolen. And the person that either got it atm Didnt break it or its lost somewhere on the map(s),You either have to ask for a admin help on server. Because im pretty sure you just have a printer but you dont know its location.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
It gets fixed upon server restart, i had this whit my car once, it was in the world, but when i found it i couldnt enter it saying" this is not your car, while ut had my name on it, when cars/contras get bugged the only way (as far as i know) to fix it is when the server restarts, when it restarts ALL the props get removed, so do your bugged once.

I hope this helped you, you can contact an admin to ask for a server restart.


Thanks for the help guys!
Just wait for server to crash, and it should be solved. G0lden explained it pretty much.

Answered and closing.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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