More Help! (PlaywithSIX)
I've been encountering quite a few problems recently, and this is the only forum I regularly look on so I thought I'd post all my problems here for people to help me with.

This time my problem is with DayZ, not the actual game but the launcher PlaywithSIX. Every time I try to join a game using PlaywithSIX it will put me on the screen where you can see who's in the game and then it will just kick me straight back out again. Now the weird part is I can join using the Multiplayer menu on the DayZ Mod, but that is really quite difficult to find the right server.

So if anyone has the same problem or knows how to fix it, can you please post a comment, thank youuuu.

I'll give you cookies (Rep) if you help me in any way Tounge.
Tried joining the exact same server from Play withSIX and the server browser (for testing purposes)?
Might have been a coincidence with the servers you joined from within Play withSIX.
Yes, I've tried joining multiple servers different times and it always kicks me out as soon as I'm at the player screen.
No idea in that case.
You can try to use DayZ Commander, a free alternative with pretty much the same features regarding DayZ.
I have DayZ Commander, but it seems that there are no servers showing up on the lists.
How is this thread related to community or server?
"If you have a problem, ask it here. We like to help you!"

Section name: Help & Support

Where else would I put it?

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